The limitless system

Logan and Kim Taeyang were finally left alone in Kim Taeyang's private room.

"I have a new offer for you, Logan," Kim Taeyang said. "How would you like to become CEO of Nova Wings Jets?"

Logan stiffened in shock. Nova Wings Jets was the biggest part of Kim Taeyang's conglomerates.

Kim Taeyang's jet business alone, generated $100 Billion dollars annually.

"That is such a big offer, Sir Kim," Logan said, barely catching his breath. "I-I don't think I deserve it."

"You have potentials," Kim Taeyang replied. "I won't let it go to waste. That's why I'm putting you in charge of one of my most profitable businesses. In 365 days, if you prove to me you could lead the company, I'd make you chairman of Taeyang's Groups."

This was too big a surprise for Logan to recover from. He felt his legs shaking in excitement.

All his life he never imagined he would be handed such a golden opportunity.

"Mr Kim," Logan said. "I greatly appreciate your offer. There's just one thing I have to settle before I leave this country."

Kim Taeyang regarded him. "How interesting. What is that?"

Logan stood up and walked towards the tall mirror in the room, and regarded himself from head to toes.

"Fixing my Hunchback had been my dream for years," he said to himself quietly. "Now that I've achieved it, why do I still feel so empty?"

He studied his reflection and as he did so, the memory of his past resurfaced.

He remembered all he had been through with the Iron family; how they treated him like garbage, how his company managers all betrayed him and how he lost everything to his wife in their messy divorce.

"If you're going to waste a huge amount of money to fix your hunchback for my sake then you're wasting your damn precious time. Nothing in this world would ever make me attracted to you."

Those were the words Emily spoke to Logan a couple of months ago.

A new surge of rage overwhelmed him. "There's no way I'll stand aside and let them get away with everything."

A grave silence hung in the air.

Then Kim Taeyang cleared his throat. "In that case, perhaps you might want to see this."

Logan saw Kim Taeyang waving an invitation letter in the air.

"I received this from your ex wife while you were still at the hospital," Kim Taeyang said, handing the letter to Logan. "Emily is organising a diamond jewelry show this weekend. I was invited as guest of honour."

Logan collected the invitation letter and read it.

Kim Taeyang continued, "I ran some investigation on Emily, Logan. My sources told me Emily that had discovered more diamonds in the Midnight Quarry some time ago this year."

Logan's eyes widened in surprise. "Impossible, I could have swore the mine ran out of diamonds."

"That's what your company's manager, John and Emily wanted you to think," Kim Taeyang revealed. "Emily mined secretly under your nose. She lied to you all these years."

Logan balled his hands into fists. "That scumbag! So that was why she divorced me and hooked up with Thomas Miller?"

Kim Taeyang felt sorry for Logan. "I understand how much the Midnight Quarry means to you. If you want to reclaim it back, it's a piece of cake. Just leave it to me."

But Logan shook his head. "Thank you, Mr Kim, but I'd prefer if I handle this my way."

Kim Taeyang regarded Logan closely and saw an immediate dramatic change in Logan's expression.

"What are you planning, Logan?" He asked, cautiously. "I don't like that look of glint in your eyes."

Logan waved the invitation letter in the air. "My goal is simple. The iron family and my ex wife made my life a living hell."

Kim Taeyang stiffened when he saw Logan's expression darkened.

"I'm going to take everything away from them," Logan said darkly, clenching his jaws. "Just like they took everything away from me."

* * * *

Emily was excited.

The Midnight Quarry had produced an exceptional amount of diamonds in a space of two months.

Today, she was hosting her very first diamond jewelry show.

The event was fixed to commemorate the begining of her new jewelry brand, Emily's Diamonds.

A host of high-rating guests, celebrities and businessmen were in attendance.

The luxurious Grand pavilion Ballroom shone brightly in the nights sky.

A Rolls-Royce swept-tail pulled up outside the building, bearing the crest of Kim Taeyang.

The valet hurried over to the door as the chauffeur stepped out of the driver's seat and opened the rear door.

The valet bowed slightly, welcoming the guest. "Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Emily's Diamond jewelry show. May I assist you?"

Logan stepped out of the car, straightening his gray suit.

He adjusted his glasses, feeling confident in himself. "Thank you, but my chauffeur got it covered."

With a nod to the chauffeur, Logan ventured towards the building.

Kim Taeyang had given Logan full access to his Rolls-Royce swept-tail, and a wardrobe change in order to attend the event.

At the entrance, the bouncer stopped Logan. "What's your name, sir?"

"I'm representing Kim Taeyang, under the name, Logan," Logan replied smoothly.

The bouncer checked the guest list and found Logan's name.

"Right this way, sir," the bouncer said, ushering Logan into the event. "Welcome."

Logan looked around him at the numerous important guests mingling and chattering excitedly.

Inside protected show glasses, were pretty diamonds and jewelries on full display.

Meanwhile, Emily and John, Logan's former manager were moving from tables to tables, welcoming their guests.

Suddenly, Emily looked up and caught sight of Logan from across the room.

"Wait a minute," her heart skipped a beat. "Isn't that Logan?"

John followed her eyes and when he saw Logan, he raised an eyebrow. "No, it can't be. Logan has a hunchback. There's no way that can be him."

But Emily shook her head. "No. I know what I'm saying. I can recognise Logan from miles away even without his hunchback."

John grimaced. "I'll go check just to be sure."

Logan stood in the center of the spacious hall, while his eyes searched around for the table reserved for Kim Taeyang.

"Excuse me sir," he recognised the voice of his former manager, John. "How can I help you?"

Logan turned around and faced John. "Hello, John?"

John stiffened in shock as he instantly recognized Logan's voice. "It can't be. Logan?"

Logan's expression was deadpan. "You look shocked to see me."

John took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead. "Why shouldn't I? You look different. What happened to you?"

Logan looked up confidently at him. "As you can see, my hunchback is gone."

John was speechless. He had always despised his boss because of his hunchback.

Even after Logan's company went bankrupt, John hated him even more and betrayed him.

Logan's transformation came as a shock to John that he could only gape at him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the hunchback son-in-law?" Emily sneered, approaching him. "What are you doing here, Logan?"

When Logan saw Emily, he recollected how he caught her cheating on him with Thomas Miller.

He clenched his jaw as he felt a wave of anger and pain sweeping over him.

"I came to crash the party," Logan replied, calmly.

"Or you're trying to steal some of my diamonds to pay for your new spine?" Emily chuckled. "What cheap crook fixed your hunchback because he did an awful job with your height."

Logan's expression remained unreadable. "Actually, Emily, it might surprise you that I'm here as a guest of honour."

Emily burst into laughter. "Don't make me laugh, you, a guest of honour? Don't get ahead of yourself, shorty."

John found Emily's remarks funny and he joined in her laughter. "You must've been desperate, Logan. Look how they massacred your height."

Logan did not say anything.

Suddenly, a screen appeared before Logan's face.

[NOTICE! You have just been insulted by the two individuals infront of you. Choose an option below:

Logan stared at the screen for a long time.

He hadn't told anyone not even Kim Taeyang about this strange screen that magically appears in front of him.

He first noticed this screen after he woke up from his hunchback surgery.

At the head of the screen were the words; THE LIMITLESS SYSTEM.

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