Make Them regret


It all began the night after Logan woke up from his hunchback surgery.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the mysterious screen hanging in the air.

He couldn't touch the screen nor could anyone else see it except him.

Logan had spent the rest of his recovery days at the rehabilitation center, trying to figure out what this system was about.

Where did it come from? Why did it choose him?

Could the system had waited until Logan fixed his hunchback before it manifested?

Does Dr Raul Fisher have something to do with it?

What does the system want with him?

Up until this moment, Logan's questions remained unanswered.

Right now, the system was giving him an order.

"What's the matter, shorty?" Emily asked, poking him in the chest. "You've been awfully silent. Did John's remarks made you upset?"

Logan dusted himself. "I'd appreciate it if you don't poke at me, Emily. I may have arrived here as a guest but I won't allow you to insult me."

Emily laughed. "Aren't you just pitiful, Logan? Why are you forcing things? It seemed to me you crashed my party to show off your cheap surgery to me."

Logan clenched his jaw, his face clouded with darkness. "No, I've come to reclaim everything that you've taken from me."

Emily rolled her eyes. "That's rich coming from a pathetic loser. You've lost, Logan. Get over yourself. This isn't about you anymore. This is my moment and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest."

Logan inclined his head. He wondered what would happen if he chose the first option the system offered him.

"Let me be sure about one thing," Logan said. "You've never loved me, right? You only married me so that you can claim the midnight Quarry as yours."

"That's right," Emily said, her voice growing hard. "I told you before Logan, nothing in this world would ever make me attracted to you, not even if you fixed your hunchback."

"What's going on here?" A man's voice interrupted them.

It was Thomas Miller. He approached Emily and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Emily kissed him. "Oh it's nothing serious, darling. I'm just about to kick this pest out of here in a minute."

Thomas Miller stared down at Logan for a while. "Wait a minute, you look familiar. Are you by any chance Logan?"

John nudged him playfully. "As expected of you, Mr Thomas. It is indeed Logan. He look unrecognisable because he fixed his hunchback."

Thomas Miller smiled slyly. "What cheap crook did this to you, shorty?"

Emily laughed. "That's exactly what I said. Look at him. He looks horrible."

Emily's voice had gotten louder which attracted some of the crowd to surround them.

Suddenly, Emily's parents, Morrison and Sophia joined in the scene.

"What's going on here?" Morrison demanded.

"Guess what, Dad," Emily said, pointing at Logan. "Logan came to pay us a visit."

Morrison glanced at Logan and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Well, I'll be damned. What happened to your hunchback?"

Sophia chuckled mockingly. "I never thought I'd get to see the day I'll see you without your hunchback, Logan. You look like a disgrace."

"Who allowed you inside by the way," Morrison demanded, glancing at Emily.

Emily shrugged. "To be honest with you, Dad, I have no idea, but Logan claims he's here to represent Kim Taeyang."

Thomas Miller's ears pricked up at the mention of Kim Taeyang.

"You're joking right?" Thomas Miller said, turning to Logan. "I have to fight tooth and nail to invite Kim Taeyang here. His granddaughters love jewelries but it's almost impossible to catch their attention. If I can gain the Taeyang sisters attention, my business would skyrocket."

Logan smirked. If only this idiot knew the Taeyang sisters were all begging him to be their husband.

"I don't think even Kim Taeyang would send me here as his representative if I hadn't agreed to it," Logan said.

Thomas Miller bawled with laughter. "Don't get too cocky. You're just all talk."

Logan pulled out the invitations letter Kim Taeyang had received from Emily.

"This is the letter you sent to Kim Taeyang, isn't it?" Logan asked, waving the letter in the air.

The smile on Emily's face began to peel off. She snatched the letter from Logan's hand and studied it closely.

"This is the exact letter I sent to Kim Taeyang," Emily said after a moment silence. She turned to gap at Logan. "How did you get a hold on this letter?"

Logan cocked his head. "Didn't you hear me the first time? I'm here to represent Kim Taeyang."

"That is bullshit," Thomas Miller snapped. "You must've forged the letter inorder to get your way passed the security at the entrance."

John inspected the letter. "This is forgery, Logan. Just how desperate are you?"

"What a spineless fool," Sophia stepped forward to Logan and slapped him across the cheeks. "You think you can oppress us with your presence? A cuckold husband, that's who you are."

Logan stepped back and held his cheek where Sophia slapped him.

His face darkened.

Morrison chimed in. "It doesn't matter if you fixed your hunchback. As long as you breath, you'll always be seen as the hunchback son-in-law. I'm just glad you're no longer my son-in-law."

A grave silence ensued in the large hall. All eyes were centered on Logan as he straightened himself up.

"I've had enough," Logan said gravely, casting a cold gaze at the screen. "I choose the first option. Make. Them. Regret!"

* * * *

Ava was in the middle of a conference video call meeting with her executives in her hotel suite when a strange message appeared on her laptop screen.

Ava furrowed her eyebrows as she read the message.

"Head over to the luxurious Grand pavilion Ballroom. Logan."

Ava immediately excused herself from the meeting and hurriedly packed up her things.

She called her assistant. "Hello, get my car ready. I'm leaving for the luxurious Grand pavilion Ballroom in a minute."

Mi-young, on the other hand was discussing a business deal with the president of a distant country when suddenly her phone chimed softly in her pocket.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she read the text message from Logan.

"I'm sorry, your excellency," Mi-young stood up hurriedly. "Let's close up this deal some other time. I have pressing matters to attend to."

Yuna was in the midst of a photoshoot for a high fashion magazine.

While the photographer paused to adjust the lightening, Yuna decided to take a short break and go through her phone.

When she saw Logan's message, her heart skipped a beat.

Without wasting a second, she informed her crew she would have to leave urgently. Before anyone could stop her, Yuna had already rushed through the exit.

"Can't this car go any faster?!" Grace yelled at her driver. "You'll be keeping Logan waiting."

"I'm going as fast as I can," Grace driver replied with a wince.

Grace bite her lips. Her heart was pounding as she wondered why Logan had summoned her to meet at the Grand pavilion Ballroom out of the blue.

On the other hand, Isabel kept retouching her face with make-up as she rushed towards her glittering black Lamborghini Aventador.

She was excited. She had also received Logan's message.

"Could this be a date?" She thought excitedly as she slid into the driver's seat. "I can't afford to mess this up. This would be a perfect opportunity to win Logan to myself."

And she raced out into the broad highway, her Lamborghini roaring in the air.

* * * *

"I don't get it," Logan thought with dismay. "Nothing is happening."

The screen had disappeared after he chose his option, but nothing had changed.

"Who did he just talked to now?" Thomas Miller asked.

"Did the quack doctor who fixed your hunchback also messed up your brains, Logan?" Emily jeered. "Don't tell me you've started having imaginary friends."

Logan was confused. Wasn't the system supposed to make them regret?

Morrison hissed. "I'm sick and tired of seeing his face. Someone should kick him out of my sight."

"I've already called the security," John said. "Don't worry, they'd get rid of him immediately."

Logan clenched his hands. "You won't get away with this, Emily. All these diamonds came from the Midnight Quarry. That mine is the Dawson family's Legacy. You stole my family's mine. I'll take it back from you."

Emily ran up to Logan and slapped him so hard with all the rage bottled up inside her.

"How dare you embarrass me infront of my guests!" Emily bawled. "It seemed like you don't like your new back anymore. I'll make sure the security guards snap it into two. That'd cripple you for life!"

Suddenly, everyone heard noises of five different cars pulling up outside the pavilion Ballroom.

One of the security guards rushed in and announced breathlessly. "The Taeyang sisters have arrived!"

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