

That was the word that came into Logan's mind.

For how long they've been following them, Logan couldn't tell.

Right now, they were surrounded on all sides by these men.

By Logan's calculation, there were twelve of them.

Isabel was terrified. "What do you want?"

The leader chuckled, producing a knife. "Just your valuables, pretty girl. Hand them over, if you value your life."

Logan waited for the FRIDAY to drop an emergency Quest but nothing happened.

Isabel on the other hand was preorder to depart with her valuables. She had only brought her necklace and bracelets along with her.

"You can have mine," she said, trying to unhook her necklace. "Just leave us alone."

But Logan stopped her.

His gaze met the leader's. "I'm sorry but you won't be getting anything out of us tonight."

The leader's grin Widened. "You must the tough guy, huh? Trying to impress your girlfriend by playing hero?"

Logan smirked. "I'll have you know that I'm a master in ten martial arts styles. I ha
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