Chapter 10: To Do A Good Deed

“How dare you, you try rape my sister.” Natalie screamed. 

“I didn't do anything like that Natalie, let me explain..” Before Freddy could say anything else, 

Natalie had Freddy thrown out of the Hardcastles mansion without thinking twice.

Paulina and Tony smirked as they had succeeded with their plans.

Freddy returns to his little apartment on the low part of the city. As he enters the apartment he sighed. 

Thinking about how stressful the past week had been. “Maybe it's for the best.” He muttered out. 

Freddy then started to think about himself. “Now that I've quit my job. I have to start my own pratice. 

I can't do that here…” He thought to himself looking at his small apartment.

He then picked up his phone and called Mago, the bank manager.

 “Hi Mago. Sorry I am calling so soon. I need to purchase a building.” He said. 

“Mr Freddy. Please remember you can call me anytime. I am your account manager afterall. What kind of building do you want sir?” she asked.

“I am looking for something a bit spacious with a garden and fountain. 

I want to start my private practice there. I also want to live there.” He replied.

“Oh I see. I will send you a bunch of options with their price tags by this evening.” She replied.

“Thanks I appreciate it. When can it be ready?” Freddy replied.

At the hardcastles mansion, Mr George’s doctor's tell Natalie that Mr George’s condition has worsen. 

Natalie begins to panic. She begs the doctors to do whatever that can be done to heal her grandfather. 

Dr. Dris who is one of the new doctor called for Mr George. Remains silent.

“Miss Natalie we promise to try everything we can but we can't really assure anything yet.” One of the doctor said. 

Dr. Dris then remebered that Mr Delbrose has a similar problem to Mr George. He was bit skeptical before saying. 

“I know a doctor who once treated an old man with a similar condition.” he said quietly. 

Natalie alongside the other two doctors turned towards him surprised.

“What are you saying Dr. dris? There's no possible way a doctor did that.” One of the doctors said.

“I thought so too, but I saw it with my own eyes. Miss Natalie I am sure your know the Delbrose. Mr Delbrose was one of my client. 

I treated him for 3 years but he was just stable and never gaines conciousness. 

Then this Dr, emm I think his name was Fredric or Fred, something like that revive Mr Delbrose in a week.” 

Everyone was shocked by what he was saying.

“But Dr. Dris it's not just possible. I mean we are all professionals here perhaps it was just luck.” The second doctor said. 

“Shut up. Dr Dris, this Dr. Freddy is there anywhere I can find him or get access to him. I would do anything at this point just to make sure grandpa recovers.” Natalie added.

“I don't personally have his contact but I can get it from the Delbrose.” He replied.

“Thank you and get back to me as soon as you do. Now you may all leave.” She said as she turned towards Mr George’s bed. She held his hands with hope gealms in her eyes.

The next day Sophia contacted Freddy and asked him for a favour. She told him that one of her business partners grandfather was in need of his services. He agreed to go.

Seeing the address she sent, he knew it was the Hardcastles. He contemplated whether to go or not after the humiliation he had face previously from them.

He then agreed to go for his grandfather’s sake. Meanwhile Natalie urged everyone in the house to be of their best behaviour when Dr Freddy arrives. 

She was very expectant as she saw him as the only gleam of hope. She kept looking at the time waiting for 10:00 am the appointed time for Freddy to come.

“Natalie and how exactly did you hear about this doctor?” Harry asked doubting the doctor's ability.

“Through Dr Dris, he is one of grandpa's doctors.” She replied. The rest of the family members didn't really care whether or not the doctor was capable. 

“Anyways, Listen up everyone. I am sure we know of the current situation happening here now. 

For starters we still haven't been able to see a doctor who can treat dad and still the value of our stock has fallen by 20%. 

We need to come with a solution fast before things get worse.” Harry said with a stunned face. 

Everyone continued to mummer amongst themselves while Natalie remained quiet. All of a sudden John stood up and said 

“This is all her fault.” Pointing to Natalie, who looked at him surprised. 

“What are you saying Uncle? How on earth is this my fault?” Natalie asked, feeling irritated.

 “My brother isn't lying. I mean only if dad gave the empire to us would this have happened? 

Of course not, we are more mature than a young child who doesn't know her right from wrong.” Elizabeth added. 

“Don't talk about my girlfriend like that.” Tony said from nowhere. 

“What are you even doing here, you are not even a family member.” Daina, John’s wife, said.

 “You are not a direct family either. Once I get married to Natalie, I will be the second in command in this house. 

Do you understand so better treat me with respect.” He added as everyone started arguing pointlessly.

 Natalie annoyed by the fact that none of them even cared about Mr George health made her even more angry as she screamed 

“Shut up, all of you!” As she pants one of the maids rushes in…

“Miss Natalie, Miss Sophia Delbrose is here with Mr…… to see you.” she said.

“Please lead them in.” Natalie replied.

The maid went out and came back with Sophia behind her. 

“Good day Natalie. The doctor is here with me.” Sophia said.

“Please, please, invite him in.” Natalie said, sounding a bit desperate. 

“Ok then. Dr Freddy please come inside.” Sophia said. 

Freddy walked in as everywhere went silent at the sight of him.

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