Chapter 7: Who Are You?

Natalie's laughter filled the room while the rest of the family had various expressions on but none of which was excitement. 

“Why are you here? Who the hell are you?” Natalie asked as she stood up from her seat. 

Freddy was a bit puzzled to speak, he then gathered himself again. “I…I…..I'm,” he let out quietly. 

Harry stared at Freddy with a puzzled face before cutting him short “Natalie, do you know this young man?” He asked in a calm voice.

“Not at all dad, Gabriel is this a joke? You can't just bring some random hooligan and claim him to be betrothed to me.” Natalie said, still laughing.

“I mean clearly this man's not from our class. Besides as Natalie's father, how come I've never heard of him?” Harry asked Gabriel. 

“That's a good question Mr. Harry. This was a choice made by Mr. George himself. 

He also asked me not to disclose this to anyone unless something happens to him.” Gabriel responded. 

As Elizabeth and Natalie's younger sister, Paulina both stared at Gabriel with disbelief. 

“Really? Why wouldn't my grandpa tell me about my own betrothal? Why ask you to do it when he's unconscious?” Natalie asked, getting pissed the more Gabriel talks. 

“Yes, exactly Natalie. How do we know that all these aren't strategies from you to acquire the Hardcastle's wealth.” Paulina added.

“I have been your family lawyer for years. I have been through the high and lows of the Hardcastles. 

Why would you think I would plan to acquire your wealth? 

If I had wanted to do that I would have done it a long time ago when Mr George gave me his Mando’s properties to manage.” He replied. 

The family members were surprised because that is one of their biggest real estate investments.

“Gabriel I don't question you, but it is the present of this young man I question.” Natalie said, pointing towards Freddy.

 “How do you know he's the one who grandpa was referring to? She added.

“I have a picture here given to me by Mr. George and he also brought his grandfather's part of the agreement.

 I made sure to double check correctly and yeah he's the one.” Gabriel said.

Natalie was a bit caught off guard and now about to cry. “But why would grandfather do this? Why this kind of man of all people?

I.. I already have a fiance. I will never let this happen.” Natalie said before dashing out to her room. 

The rest of the family left out of anger and frustration. None of them even talked to Freddy as they passed by.

Freddy, seeing this, knew it would be tough for him to do what he actually wants to do, which is to treat Mr. George quickly. 

He plans to explain to him that he doesn't want to be engaged to Natalie and hopefully he will break the agreement.

Gabriel signaled to Freddy that he shouldn't worry. 

“You will be staying here for now. WhenMr. George wakes up from coma, you and Natalie's wedding will be planned. 

Hmm, but if Mr. George passes, he made me promise him that I would have you marry Natalie. 

So your things will be brought here. You will stay here for a month to get familiar with the family, especially Natalie.” Gabriel explained further to Freddy.

 Freddy realized that Mr. George really wants him to marry Natalie no matter what.

“But did he tell you why he chose me?” Freddy asked, confused. 

“The exact words were, my friend's grandson is a good boy. I had met him once but just that encounter showed me who he really is.” Gabriel told Freddy before patting him.

“You must have done something really amazing to catch Mr. George like that. Believe me, that man is a good judge of character.” Gabriel added before leaving. 

Freddy, wondering if he had ever encountered Mr.vGeorge before, became even more confused.

Freddy moved into the Hardcastle mansion the next day. He was taken to the guests room. 

Freddy was amazed to see his room because it was bigger than his normal house. 

One of the maids told him his actual room was supposed to be somewhere on the upper floor but they all wanted you to stay here. 

“They are wealthy but very mean. You won't believe that they barely visit Mr. George in his chamber.” she added.  

Freddy then remembered that he wanted to also help Mr. George. “Where is his chamber?” Freddy asked curiously. 

“The top most floor but none of us is allowed in there except for the family members and the head maid.” She replied.

Freddy knew they won't let him go there because they don't fully trust him. “I need to gain Natalie's trust.” he thought to himself. 

The next day Tony, Natalie's current fiance, came to pay Natalie a visit. As he entered the living room he met Paulina.

Paulina was so pleased to see Tony, that she rushed towards him and gave him a hug. 

“Paulina, what are you doing? How many times have I told you not to hug me like this, what if your sister sees us?” He asked looking around to see if anyone was coming. 

“No one is around, it's just me and Natalie, oh and I forgot her stupid future husband too.” Paulina added as she sat down. 

Tony, a bit confused why Paulina would call him stupid looked at her with a puzzled look. 

“Not you of course, sugar plum. Haven't you heard yet?” She asked looking at Tony who sits beside her curiously. 

“Well apart from you, Natalie is engaged to someone else too.” She added with a smirk. Tony, growing impatient, leaned forward to Pauliana. 

“Stop beating around the bush Paulina. What are you babbling about?” He asked with a more serious tone.

 “Grandpa betrothed Natalie to a friend's son. Apparently she can only get access to the Hardcastle estate once she is married to him.” She replied casually. 

“How can you say it like that? This is a serious matter. How could that old man do this to me, I mean even to his own granddaughter. 

I know he never liked me but bringing some random person to take my place is just so sinister.” Tony shouted as he stood up in anger. 

“My grandpa has always made bad decisions. First he kept Natalie in charge of the mansion, then he made her the heir to the estate and now… 

Now he brought a total stranger to be her husband….” Paulina was still talking before Tony interrupted  

“No! we are not going to let that happen! He exclaimed.

“Well what do you suggest then?” She asked. 

“We have to find a way to quick him out.” Tony said with a devious look.

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