Chapter 165

Inspector Charlie entered the interrogation room, his eyes narrowing as he carefully studied Alex. “Who are you really, man? Why are so many people demanding your release?”

“We military folks stick together. It’s called solidarity, don’t you think?” Alex replied, his tone cool and composed.

“Crystal, don’t tell me I haven’t given you enough chances. Where is your brother hiding?” the inspector pressed.

“I really don’t know,” Crystal answered.

“Then both of you have made your choice.” The inspector’s voice was cold as he reached for his phone. Moments later, the door swung open, and four burly prisoners were ushered into the room.

“Listen,” Inspector Charlie began, his tone turning menacing, “these men are the worst kind of prisoners, capable of killing without hesitation. They haven’t touched a woman in a long time. If you two continue to refuse to cooperate, you’ll regret it deeply. And although it pains me to see Crystal ravaged by them, no one will pity a traitor of the empire.”

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