Chapter 185

Panic spread among the other dark followers.

“What happened?” one of them demanded, fear evident in his voice.

“The curse... it backfired,” the stricken follower gasped, blood trickling down his chin.

“How could this happen?” another follower asked, his voice trembling as he looked at his fallen comrade, dread creeping into his heart.

The senior follower added, “If Alex has a more powerful demon or a demon guardian, the demon we sent to execute the curse would be terrified. It would abandon its mission and turn on us instead.”

“I don’t understand,” said another junior follower, confusion etched on his face.

“Let me put it this way,” the senior explained. “Imagine I give you a knife to stab Alex. But when you approach him, you discover he’s protected by a formidable fighter. The fighter gives you a choice: either die by his hand or return to your master and stab them instead.”

The junior’s eyes widened as understanding dawned on him. “So the demon we sent to Alex chose to return and st
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