Chapter 186

One student quickly asked, "Master, how can we connect to the soul?"

The old master smiled gently, the lines on his face deepening with wisdom. "There is a teaching from ancient Egypt about how to access the soul," he said, his voice soft yet resonant.

"And every one of you almost uses it daily."

Curiosity sparked in the students’ eyes as they leaned in closer.

"What is it, Master?" another student asked, unable to hide the eagerness in his voice.

"Dreams," the master explained.

"Our body is physical, born from the earth, but our soul is life itself. It is like gods and demons in soul form—non-physical and eternal. When you sleep, you set aside your mind and physical brain. Instead, you operate through your soul."

"But dreams are so random," one student murmured, a frown creasing his forehead.

"The randomness of dreams is always shaped by your desires and your negative emotions," the master replied, his tone now more serious.

"The more you crave and cling to these desires, the more yo
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