Chapter 12

Dalton was amazed.

"What is that, Mr. Bogus?"

Gentry inquired, looking confused and frowning.

"Stay quiet." Dalton reprimanded Gentry, who dared not make a sound.

Dalton, however, paid no attention to Gentry and focused on watching Gilbert's movements intently.

Gilbert appeared very skilled as he asked old Mr. Kane to sit back in the chair.

After disinfecting the needles, Gilbert prepared to perform acupuncture on the patient, Mr. Kane.

The needles looked shiny and came in different sizes, but in Gilbert's hands, they seemed less intimidating. It was as if Gilbert was putting on a spectacular show for his audience.

With precision and skill, Gilbert inserted the needles into the body of old Mr.

Kane accurately hits the acupuncture points.

"It's that."

Dalton muttered to himself, his eyes widening. Acupuncture was a highly dangerous practice that required exceptional skill.

The precise location of the acupuncture points and the depth of the puncture were crucial.


Gilbert remained calm, performing the procedure with ease as if it were second nature to him. Soon, Gilbert accurately inserted all the needles into old Mr. Kane's acupuncture points.


Gentry and Scott shook with fear as they observed the placement of the sharp needles.

Dalton, who had some knowledge of acupuncture, recognized Gilbert's exceptional skill, noting that Gilbert completed the procedure in just half a minute, a feat that would take others an hour.


"Flip it," Gilbert instructed as he deftly manipulated the nine needles, causing them to tremble as if they were alive. "

It seems like he has brought those needles to life," Dalton thought to himself.

The Nine Skills of Acupuncture Dalton exclaimed in shock at what he saw.

Gilbert turned around and looked at Dalton, then said lightly, "Okay."

"Yeah," Dalton replied, feeling a little embarrassed and not daring to say more.

As Dalton's eyes fell on Gilbert's hand, he tried to learn something from him.

However, Gilbert worked quickly, leaving Dalton feeling dazzled.

Five minutes later, Gilbert removed all nine needles at once.

"Old Mr. Kane, how do you feel now?"

As he stowed the needle box, Gilbert inquired.

"Phew." Old Mr. Kane took a deep breath before opening his eyes.

Scott noticed beads of sweat on Old Mr. Kane, despite the fact that the weather was not hot. The sweat was not transparent, but mixed with impurities.


"It's more comfortable than a sauna."

The Kane family holds significant influence in Texas City.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Huxley!"

Scott, being very charming, expressed his gratitude to Gilbert once again.

Gilbert felt it was no big deal, so he didn't say anything.

"Mr. Huxley, I really appreciate you healing me."

You can name whatever you want.

The Kane family holds significant influence in Texas City.

Old Mr. Kane stood up and looked at Gilbert seriously.

"The effect is clear. I feel completely cured now!"

Gilbert's treatment was simply acupuncture. Regarding the outcome, we still need to investigate further.

The gentleman frowned and spoke in a negative tone.

Originally, he wanted Dalton to treat old Mr. Kane so that he might gain favor with him. Scott found a disabled person to take the credit, stealing his thunder and giving prominence to Gentry.

How could Gentry swallow that?

"The effect is clear. I feel completely cured now!" Old Mr. Kane laughed and said, Mr. Kane, better safe than sorry. Don't jump to conclusions."

"I don't believe this cripple. Mr. Bogus will decide whether or not you recover.

Gentry turned to look at Dalton and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Bogus?"

However, Dalton didn't even look at Gentry; instead, he gave his full attention to Gilbert.

Dalton stepped forward and greeted Gilbert.

Mr. Huxley, I never knew you were such a brilliant doctor. Please forgive me for not respecting you before.

Dalton bowed to Gilbert respectfully, leaving everyone amazed.

Dalton, an elderly man who could have been Gilbert's grandfather, was a highly respected doctor, in high demand by royal and wealthy families for his medical expertise. Despite his age and experience, he humbly approached Gilbert, a young man in his twenties, and asked him to be his teacher.

This request surprised Mr. Kane and others present, as it seemed unconventional for someone as young as Gilbert to teach someone as experienced as Dalton. Dalton, on the other hand, believed that learning from knowledge was necessary regardless of age, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and growth.

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