Chapter 20

All the neighbors knew that Azalea’s family worked at Group Cadenn in Texas City, but few knew that Azalea herself was a Cadenn. To maintain her dignity, Old Mrs. Cadenn kept their relationship a secret, and Azalea had no direct connection with the Cadenn family.

“By the way, Azalea, I remember there was a young man who always drove a luxury car to come see you. Is it yours?”

A woman suddenly snorted with laughter and inquired. Everyone knew Azalea was engaged, and her fiancé was considered a fool. Despite this, Dylan still visited her occasionally, sparking neighborhood gossip about their relationship.

“No, I don’t think so,” Azalea replied, aware that the people were trying to embarrass her. She didn’t want to prolong the conversation.

“Well, then you have to see it, Azalea.” Someone has parked a fancy car in front of your door. Be careful not to scratch it. Don’t involve us if you can’t afford it," she warned, as the crowd laughed and ridiculed her.

Suddenly, a calm voice spoke up.
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