Chapter 21

Mae turned to face Gilbert, taken aback.

“What are you talking about? What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Do you realize the value of that car? Do you know how many wheelchairs one wheel can buy?” Gilbert questioned.

“I’m telling you now! You’ll never own a car like that in your lifetime! So don’t dwell on it too much,” he added.

Mae crossed her arms and scoffed at Gilbert’s words.

Saying nothing, Gilbert withdrew his hand, picked up the key from the table, and placed it down, displaying it silently.

Mae’s gaze unconsciously fell on the car key, noticing the black horse on a yellow background and the distinctive Ferrari logo, which surprised her.

Gilbert owned the Ferrari, a luxury car worth millions of dollars overseas. Mae’s heart raced as she wondered, “How could Gilbert afford such an expensive car? Does he still have a lot of money, or does he have a shady past?”

Various thoughts flooded Mae’s mind at that moment.

“I hope you can change,” Gilbert said to Mae.

“Think about Azalea. I c
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