2• Betrayal

Matthew was numb, his eyes were locked on Ashley but he just stood there, not knowing what to say or what to do. Flashes of a dozen memories attacked his mind; memories of Ashley, the girl who had once filled his life with warmth and joy.

Now, she felt like a stranger. But a stranger's betrayal wouldn't cut this deep.

“Ashley,” he finally managed to say, his voice was low and trembling with emotions that were barely restrained. “Why? How could you do this to me?”

Ashley’s mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the right words. Not that Matthew would believe a word out of her mouth.

“Matthew, I—” she stammered, taking a hesitant step back. “It’s not what you think, I—”

“Then what is it?!” Matthew found himself almost yelling. “How can you do this to me?! I’ve given you everything I could! All these years, all the sacrifices I made... was it not enough? Was I not enough?”

“Well, isn't this interesting,” Darrell leaned against his car, arms crossed as he watched the scene unfold with a smirk on his face.

Ashley glanced at him nervously, and sighed, her eyes turning cold as she embraced the truth. “Listen Matt. I can't do this anymore with you. I mean look at you.”

She sized him up arrogantly. “You’re poor. You’ve always been poor. I can’t keep living like this, scraping by and hoping for something better. I want more, Matthew. I deserve more.”

Matthew's heart twisted in his chest. He couldn't believe this. His Ashley, his girlfriend saying these horrible words to him. “But I loved you, Ashley. I did everything I could for you. You know that.”

“Love doesn't pay bills!” she snapped. “You might be poor, but you're not dumb enough to think that it does. Or maybe you are. Look at Darrell! Can you see the difference in class between you too. You're his car washer! Imagine!”

She gestured for Darrell to come to her and she wrapped her hand around his. “Darrell can give me the life I’ve always dreamed of — the life you could never provide. I’m tired of waiting for you to get your act together. I’m tired of pretending that we have a future.”

Matthew felt his anger rising quickly, overtaking the sadness. All the years he had invested in her, the emotional and financial commitment he had placed in their relationship, all being dismissed like they meant nothing.

How did he not realize that Ashley was only a parasitic whore?!

“Hey, lover boy!” Darrell drawled, mockery in his voice. “Instead of standing there crying like an idiot, why don’t you make yourself useful? Wash my car—and you know what? To prove a point, first, how about you lick my shoes clean?”

“What?” Matthew frowned, the insult only adding to his injury.

“You heard me, you fool!” Darrell stretched his leg forward. “Get on all fours and lick my shoes clean like the poor little puppy you are.”

That was the last straw. The insult landed like a punch to the gut, and Matthew's rage exploded. “Who do you think you are, huh?! You think you can just waltz in here, throw your money around, and disrespect me!?”

Darrell's smirk widened to a mocking sneer. “Mind your tongue, little puppy! Do you know how powerful I am in this city? I can lay waste to you anytime I want. And what are you going to do about it, hm? You're just a broke loser who scrubs cars for a living. A poor, miserable… little … puppy.”

Before Matthew could respond or retaliate, Darrell's hand shot out and slapped him across the face. The slap resounded through Matthew's cheeks and he jerked backwards, clutching his face in pain and shock.

“Pfft!” Darrell scoffed, daring Matthew to do his worst.

And so, without thinking, Matthew lunged at Michael with fists flying.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson!”

A fight broke out between the two men. First they grappled, and then they began to exchange wild punches as Ashley shouted for Matthew to stop!

Matthew didn't care about what she had to say any longer, and he was clearly a better fighter than the rich, spoiled Darrell. He landed a solid hit on Darrell’s jaw, but when he wanted to follow up with another, a sharp pain exploded in the back of his head.

He stumbled forward, grabbing his head in pain, half-disoriented, and when he turned to see what had hit him, Ashley was standing there. On her hand was a heavy wrench that she had grabbed from a nearby workbench. Her face was twisted in fear and anger.

This heartless bitch! Matthew cried in his thoughts.

“Stay down, Matthew,” Ashley yelled a warning as she raised the wrench. “You’re making things worse!”

Feeling dazed and hurt, Matthew fell to the ground, still clutching his throbbing head.

“You piece of trash!” Darrell barked as he kicked him hard in the ribs. “How dare you put your hands on me! This suit costs more than your damn life —ngh!”

Another kick. A harder one that caused Matthew to clutch his stomach rather than his aching head.

Just then, Mr. Dempsey burst out of his office and to the front of the car wash. “What the hell is going on here?” he shouted, his eyes falling on Matthew, who was struggling to stand.

Ashley immediately let go of the wrench and scurried to Darrell, who hugged her tightly as he regarded the car wash manager.

“Mr Dempsey, does this delinquent trash work for you?!” he demanded.

Mr. Dempsey looked fearful as he did not want to lose an important customer such as Darrell Ferguson. “Matthew!” he shouted at the ‘delinquent trash.’ “What have you done?”

“He attacked me and my girlfriend!” Darrell said angrily. “I came here for a simple car wash, and this maniac decided to start a fight. Why do you hire street trash such as this, Mr. Dempsey?”

Mr. Dempsey's palms clasped together. “I am so sorry, Mr. Ferguson. I will deal with this, right away!”

Then his expression darkened as he turned to Matthew. “You! I warned you not to cause any trouble. And now look what you’ve done. You want me to lose my important customers? I would rather lose you instead. You're worth absolutely nothing anyway!”

Matthew's heart fell. “Does this mean—?”

“You’re fired! Get out of my sight before I call the cops myself.”

Matthew’s mind reeled. Fired? Just like that? What the hell is going on today?

This had to be the worst day of his life. He wanted to argue, to defend himself, but before he could speak, Darrell stepped forward, straightening his jacket cockily as if to shake off the encounter.

“No need to worry about that, Dempsey,” Darrell said with a cruel smile on his lips. “I’ll take care of this little punk. I have friends in high places who will make sure he spends a good time in prison for this very act.”

Then he squatted low and gazed into Matthew's eyes maliciously. “Battery and assault. With a charge like that, and with an important figure like me opposing you, you'll be done for, little pup.”

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