The Inheritor Of The Houston Empire
The Inheritor Of The Houston Empire
Author: Edam Knight
1• Panties in the Car!

Under the bright afternoon sun of New York City, Matthew Donovan scooped a bowel full of water and splashed it on top of the dull sedan he was scrubbing down at the car wash.

His phone suddenly buzzed loudly, vibrating inside the pocket of his jeans. Calmly, Matthew wiped his damp hands before fishing out the phone. Glancing at the screen, a smile lit up his weary face. It was his girlfriend, Ashley, and she was just what he needed to brighten up his day.

He accepted the call. “Hey Ashley, what's up?”

“Matty, I need $300, like right away!” Ashley had a sweet voice, but as usual, she was very direct. “I just found this gorgeous necklace, and I want to buy it before someone snatches it away.”

The earlier smile on Matthew’s face quickly disappeared. He knew how much Ashley loved her jewelry, but he also didn't have that kind of money with him. “Uh… Ashley?”

He could sense her frown through the call. “What is it!?”

“I only have $200 on me right now. Can't it wait until—”

“No, Matt! It can't wait!” Ashley's sharp tone sliced through his excuse. “Why do I have to be the one with the lame boyfriend? Huh!? All my friends get whatever they want from their boyfriends when they ask for it! Why do you always make up excuses?”

Matthew swallowed, listening to her berate and admonish him.

“If you really cared about me, you'd make it happen. You think I want to walk around looking cheap? I need it now, Matthew. Right now!”

Matthew winced while his thoughts ran wild with what to do. He never liked when Ashley was unhappy and was always doing his best to keep her otherwise.

“Give me a second, Ashley, okay? I'll get the money for you right now. Okay?”

Ashley hesitated before saying, “Whatever.”

“I love you,” he muttered.

“Ugh! Just… get me the money!” The line went dead.

Matthew gazed at the screen of his phone for a moment, then he glanced at the clock on the wall, knowing Mr. Dempsey, the store manager, would be in his office now.

He stuffed the phone back into his pocket, took a deep breath and walked over to the small, cramped room that was labeled ‘Manager’s Office.’

Matthew knocked anxiously and when he heard a “Come in,” he pushed the door open and approached the balding, overweight man in a cheap suit seated behind a cluttered desk.

Mr. Dempsey didn't even bother to look up from his newspaper. "What is it, Matthew?" he grumbled.

“Mr Dempsey,” Matthew began nervously. “I was wondering if I could get an advance on my salary this week. I only need $200—”

“An advance!?” Dempsey spat, redness in his eyes. “What do you think I'm running here, you dumb kid? A charity? You don't even deserve a salary, talk more of an advance!”

“Sir, I have b— been your most hardworking employee,” Matthew stuttered. “I’m just in a little situation, and I really need that money.”

Dempsey slammed the newspaper down on his desk and Matthew flinched, taking a careful step backwards.

“Listen here, you little punk! I don't care about your situation because I already have mine to deal with. Do you ever see me asking for your help to deal with mine? Do you?!” he slammed the table once again.

Matthew shook his head slowly and mumbled, “No.”

“Exactly! You ask me for one more favor ever again, and I’ll see to it that you and that wretched look on your face are out of a job by the end of the day! Now get the hell out of my sight!”

Matthew's cheeks reddened with humiliation. He mumbled an apology and slowly retreated from Mr Dempsey's office. His shoulders were slumped down and his head was low in shame.

His life felt pathetic at that moment. Ashley was right. What kind of boyfriend can't provide for his girlfriend with the money she needs to live her best?

Matthew collapsed on the chair outside the car wash and pulled out his phone again, then shamefully transferred $150 to Ashley, leaving himself with just enough to get by until his next paycheck.

He gazed at his phone after. Waiting. Any moment now, Ashley would —

The phone buzzed.

“$150?! That’s all you could send? What am I supposed to do with this? You're useless, Matthew!”

Before he got the chance to speak, Ashley ended the call, leaving him devastated in the misery of his shortcomings.

What did he even intend to say? How could he defend himself? He was a nobody, working a dead-end job, and unable to provide for the girl he loved.

Frustrated, Matthew shoved the phone back into his pocket and slumped on the bench, burying his face in his hands.

He sat there for so long that he became oblivious to time passing. He didn’t notice the sleek, black luxury car that rolled into the lot or the couple seated inside.

The car — an expensive Bugatti Chiton — purred to a stop in front of the wash, and the owner of the car, a young handsome man in an expensive blazer, alighted the vehicle.

He walked over to the passenger seat and opened the door for the woman inside to step out. She was strikingly beautiful, young with glamorous long hair and a fancy dress.

She hugged the man and giggled playfully. “He’s such a loser! I can't stand him sometimes, gosh! He could never measure up to you, you know that, baby?”

The man smiled lewdly, holding her by her waist. “I know, baby.”

They kissed intensely then she told him she needed to go to the bathroom.

“Don’t be long,” the man said, before turning his focus to the pitiful looking boy sitting dejectedly on the bench.

"Hey!" the man barked, kicking Matthew's leg arrogantly. "Get your sorry ass up and wash my car. Now!”

Matthew jolted and snapped back to reality. “I’m so sorry, sir! I'm very sorry!”

“Sorry won't cut it, you idiot. You're paid to wash my car, so when I show up here, you get up from your seat and you wash my car! You get it?!”

“Yes, sir!” Matthew mumbled, keeping his face down as he grabbed the hose and began washing the fancy car.

“And don't you scratch it!” the man warned. “That paint costs more than you can ever earn in your life!”

Matthew tried his best to ignore the hurtful words and he continued to scrub the tires and wipe the windows. All that was in his mind was the harsh words his girlfriend had rained on him.

He thought of a way to make it up to her. Maybe once he got his salary, he could spend it all on a beautiful dress for her! That would make her really happy!

He scrubbed the rear window, his hand moving on autopilot as he wiped away the grime, while his thoughts were elsewhere. But then… Matthew saw something.

He paused. Was that underwear?

Using the cloth in his hand, Matthew picked up the fabric and yes it was underwear, a pair of pink fancy panties. And… yuck!

He let go of the panties. There was sperm tainted all over it, still fresh, meaning the couple had just had sex inside the car.

But the thing was, these panties were the exact pair he had bought for Ashley just a week ago, a surprise gift to show her how much he cared. It could not be a similar one, it looked exactly just like it!

Matthew’s heart pounded in his chest as he began to put the pieces of the puzzle together. But before he could fully process it, a familiar voice spoke from behind him.

“Matthew? What are you doing here?”

He suddenly turned around and realized that the woman who had come here with that rich, mean guy was his very own girlfriend, Ashley, staring at him with the same surprise on his own face.

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