The Invincible Ron Benedict
The Invincible Ron Benedict
Author: Olivia C. Onoh
Chapter 1: Mistaken Identity

Ron entered his home that evening. He took off his shoes and went straight for the kitchen, whistling a melody.

On his way, he heard the shower running. He had thought he was alone. Bella wasn’t supposed to be back home until seven.

"Ha! The office must have let her off early," Ron muttered to himself, fighting a smile.

He rubbed his palms together, licking his lips and making a beeline for the bathroom. Imagining Bella with her clothes off made him thirsty.

His wife was a hot woman. She had the most luscious curves he had ever seen. And he always wanted a taste.

"Bella," he called, but there was no way she would hear him while the shower was running.

Ron hastily wiggled out of his shorts and tossed his tee shirt behind him as he entered the bathroom. Her perky butt was all he could see through the glass.

He hugged her, grabbing her big breasts from behind.


The woman screamed and kicked Ron in the shin. When she faced him, he realised he had just made a fatal mistake.

"What the fuck are you doing, Ron?!"

His hands covered himself. He felt exposed and so mortified. This was Bella's sister, not his wife.

"I, uhm, I—" Ron stared at the water droplets trickling down her fair skin. Her breasts were big, covering her entire chest.

He gulped. He never knew Sena was this beautiful. Her waist was so thin...

"Stop gawking at me, you pervert! Get out!" She swatted him until he was outside the bathroom..

Ron raked a hand through his head. He hurried back into his clothes, red-faced and embarrassed that he had made a mistake.

A minute later, Sena barrelled out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her this time.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!"

"I swear I thought you were your sister." Ron raised his hands, placating her. "I didn't mean to disrespect you, Sena."

"Liar! I saw you ogling my breasts!"

Ron was so tense. "It—It was a mistake. I didn’t know what else to do."

He tried not to look at her while she sported this skimpy towel that barely hid her generous chest.

"I'm going to tell my sister about what you did, though." She crossed her arms, making her chest pop.

"You won't do that."

"Why? Bella would love to hear that you saw me naked." A mischievous smile coloured her young face. "You were also turned on and ready to pounce on me. I bet you even liked my body more—"

"Sena." Ron gritted his teeth, warning the little brat.

She came closer and placed a hand on his shoulder, but Ron immediately moved back, keeping his distance.

Sena smiled teasingly. "If you're so scared of my sister finding out, buy my silence. Now."

"You watch too much TV. Get a life." He flicked her forehead, causing her to pout.

But she blocked his path. "I'm as serious as a heart attack. Give money, and I won't say a word."

Ron sighed. He knew how mischievous his wife's little sister could be, but he had promised his dying comrade that he would look after Bella and Sena, his sisters.

"500 dollars—" Ron took it out of his wallet, but Sena snatched the entire thing out of his hands and ran away.

Tired of her, he shook his head, but he focused on making dinner and finishing up the house chores he had left behind.

Bella returned home a minute to eight pm. She was in a foul mood. Ron turned off the vacuum cleaner and hurried over to carry her bag.

"Hey, babe. You look tired. Let me give you a massage."

He dropped her designer handbag on the other couch, massaging her shoulders next while sporting an apron.

"Mmm," Bella moaned as he hit the right spot, "You know, all of this won't be necessary if you could just be useful, Ron."

"But I cook and clean the house spotless—"

"And so? Other men your age have their own companies! You're such a disappointment!" She stood abruptly, scowling at him. "I run a successful company while my husband cooks and cleans all day. It's embarrassing."

Ron hated whenever she got like this. Bella didn't know anything about his past. She knew nothing about all he's had to sacrifice for herself and Sena.

"It is not my fault. Someone has to look after the house, Bella."

She tossed a flyer at his feet, ignoring him. "Apply for the security guard position at my company tomorrow morning, or this marriage is over.”

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