Chapter 2: Do You Have What It Takes?

Ron stared at the flyer and went silent for a long minute. 

"If it's what you want, Bella, I can't refuse you. I will apply for a job at the company tomorrow morning."

He wouldn't mind being a janitor,as long as it satisfied his wife.

Bella had expected him to prove difficult, but Ron was always subservient towards her.

She eyed her husband one last time and went to their bedroom. Although she was the CEO of the successful company she started, their home had a minimalist touch to it.

The next morning, the two sisters were staring at the empty dining table with their mouth's agape.

Ron surfaced from their bedroom and kissed his wife on the cheek, grabbing an apple from the fridge next. 

"Good morning, my sweet wife. Sena, how did you sleep?"

"Where’s breakfast for crying out loud?" A confused Sena narrowed her eyes at him. 

"You can whip up a bowl of cereal for yourself before school. I have a job interview to get to."

Sena's jaw dropped further. Her sister was still silent, staring holes into her husband's handsome face."You have a job interview. And you just dress like that?"

"Well,I don't think the dressing is so important. See you later, babe." Ron kissed Bella on the mouth before leaving the house.

He took a taxi and went straight to Fashion Factor, his wife's booming clothing company.

Ron paid the taxi driver with the change in his pocket since his sister-in-law had stolen his wallet, which was equivalent to all his money.

At the front desk, he saw that there were many vacant positions in the company.

"Why don't you pick the job opening for a janitor? You already look the part," an obnoxious voice said behind him, chuckling at his expense.

Ron glanced at the man sporting a designer black suit and sleek blonde hair. He watched him wait in line outside the public relations department test hall.

Public relations? That sounded better than a janitor. Apparently he'd earn more from this job,which was what his wife wanted.

"I'll sign here," Ron said to the woman behind the front desk.


The man chuckled as he saw Ron changed to his line.

"You'll see who's the dumbass soon,dude." Ron smiled mischievously.

He was still filling out the form when he heard two people gossiping next to him. They were whispering, but he could hear them loud and clear.

"Have you seen Ms. Victoria Park?!"

"No. No. Who's that?"

"She's Fashion Factor's most beautiful staff," the instigator of the gossip whispered back, "They say her chest is the eighth wonder of the world!"

"Is it that big?" the other man's eyes almost bulged out of its socket.

After filling out the form, Ron put his hands in his pocket and went over to the public relations department test hall. He sat right beside the obnoxious applicant.

"Good day," he greeted the man, offering a mocking smile as well.

The obnoxious man cleared his throat, clearly discomfited by Ron's presence. He had applied for a position in the company's PR department instead, just to spite him.

A short while later, a pretty woman surfaced from the door in front of the waiting room. Ron didn’t have to ask around. This was Victoria Park.

The button of her white blouse appeared like it could burst any minute now because of what it tried covering. Her short skirt revealed long, shapely legs.

"Ms Victoria! Your beauty blinds me!"

"I like your elegance, Ms. Victoria!"

All the men in the waiting room kept flattering her. They craved her attention like air, but she appeared disgusted by their attempts.

"The test is about to begin. And the rules are still the same. No cheating. No cellphones," she explained slowly so that they would understand.

"We understand, Ms Victoria," all the applicants chorused in response.

But the obnoxious man at Ron's side wasn't satisfied! He stood on his feet and called her attention. "Excuse me, Ms. Victoria. You are the PR manager's assistant. Surely, you have the power to remove someone who's in the wrong place."

"Mr. Henry, I don't understand what you mean," she said, moving closer to Ron and the man's bench.

"Him," Henry snarled at Ron at his side, "Look at how cheaply he's dressed for a high position at the popular Fashion Factor."

Ron noticed how the other applicants agreed with him. They all snickered amongst themselves at his choice of clothes.

He hadn't even bothered to buy a proper suit for the job application test. Ron hadn't thought it necessary.

Another applicant shouted, "You should try out for the cleaner job and save face before you get a zero!"

Everyone found that funny, including Ms. Victoria. But Ron just sat there, watching them with a blank expression on his face.

She asked. "Do you have what it takes, Mr. Ron?"

Ron lowered his head and hid a smirk. He stood up, making everyone think he was about to leave in shame.

But, instead, he went straight for the door in front of them.

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