Chapter 22: Arrest The Culprit
The leader of the thugs kicked the security guard in the face, blood spurted from his nose immediately and he groaned in pain, holding his face as they laughed.

Ron outsmarted the men holding him at gun point. He was too swift for them and before they knew it, their guns were on the floor while they pissed their pants.

“How—How did you do that?” one of them stuttered, falling back from the scene.

“Don’t try to understand how. You could never.” Ron hit the side of his hand on the thug’s neck, paralyzing him and the other one moved away, picking up a baton to arm himself.

The leader who held Dahlia captive squeezed the scruff of her neck which he held and she screamed, begging Ron to save her with her gaze on him.

“Your face was all over the tabloids a while ago. Aren’t you married to Bella Humphrey?” the thug grinned because he had just discovered who Ron really was. “The pauper who married into wealth. I hear your job is to cook and clean for the heiress. What a useless son-in-la
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