Chapter 21: Ron To The Rescue
Ron dropped his burger and wiped his hands with a napkin. The others didn't even notice when he left the table. They were too engrossed in their gossip to pay attention.

"Sena, I need you to slow down and tell me what's going on." He left the building, already hailing an Uber.

There was still some cash left from what Sena had borrowed him this morning. It would be enough to take him to her destination.

"Ron! My close friend, Dahlia, got into trouble with some thugs. She just sent me an sos and I didn't know who else to call. You have to hurry!"

An Uber stopped for him and Ron told the man where he wanted to go and the car started moving. It took him ten minutes to arrive at the University.

He was still on the phone with Sena. She was too scared for her friend to be alone where she was. Being in contact with Ron made her feel hopeful that Dahlia would survive.

"They are threatening to take her away and have their way with her," Sena's tears spilled harder, "Ron, you have to find h
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