Chapter 20: Master of Locks
Ron tripped over something hard and turned on the flashlight of his phone immediately. He cursed under his breath, noticing his dusty palms from where he had caught his fall.

The director hadn't even left him any cleaning supplies. Ron scratched his head. He didn't know where to begin.

"Stupid shit," he cursed at himself when he remembered that he had thought that the woman brought him here to request for sex.

He should have known better. It was three hours remaining until the office would wrap up for the day. There was no way he could clean this entire room before then without any equipment.

He turned to the door lock and saw that it was a tricky kind. It couldn't easily be hacked. Bella had made sure to use top notch equipment in setting up her company's headquarters.

But Ron was already calculating the mechanics of the door in his mind. The blueprints were in his mind and he analysed it by himself, putting two and two together.

"This must have been designed by a genius,
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