Chapter 35: The Seductresses Game
Ron saw the short man with an arrogant bald head and an unfriendly stare approaching them with his team. He straightened his back, knowing that it wasn’t good news they were about to receive.

He had suspected that this would be the outcome and already began to think of ways to get out of this.

“Although we extend kindness to all our customers, I cannot do that now. The both of you will have to exit this building and never return. I am withdrawing all of our exclusive benefits to Fashion Factor and implementing a ban from this day henceforth,” he began in a stern voice.

Ron glimpsed the mortification on Adina’s face. This was Bella’s favourite restaurant to eat in during work hours. They had a lot of coupons and benefits here.

But the manager of this restaurant wanted to cut all ties with them because of this same unfortunate situation.

Adina had not only lost the client who was Bella’s last hope ever since Jonas disappointed her. Now she had ruined the company’s good relati
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