Care to give me Gems? It helps my motivation to do better.

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The Least Common Denominator LXVII.V Quadratic Equation
"Fucking shit!"Looking at the broken piece of lever in my hand, I couldn't help but brace myself for disaster as I felt the locomotive lurch at the loss of the brakes. Surely enough, the hunk of metal began accelerating again just from the force of gravity acting upon it."C-crimson?! What was that?!"I winced as I slowly turned to my other passenger; the broken lever hovering in front of me as I showed it to her, "Something just broke!"Ruby's eyes widened at the sight of the piece of metal in my hand. She probably didn't know what it did, but the fact that I was on the verge of panicking probably clued her in on our currently fucked up situation."C-can you fix it?!"I nervously shook my head, "Not right now! We have to stop this thing first!" 
The Least Common Denominator LXVIII.I Intersecting Lines
Right... In a world where the locomotive was nothing but a prototype in the hands of Imperial rebels, one might ask: Why even bother when you don't even have enough men to capitalize on the advancement? Well, the answer for it is quite simple. First off, there was always recruitment for the lack of manpower. And second, why not? After all, the power of the steam engine wasn't just for making trains run. We could make a lot of things run with it so long as we did the proper retrofitting and fabrication. And so long as that was an option, I'll abuse it to its wildest extent."Sis!"I smiled as I saw Livia return from her trip recruiting her former apprentices into the fold. Giving her a warm hug, I let her nuzzle her face into my body as I gave her entourage a small once over.To be honest, I expected far more than just two teenagers and an adult. Bu
The Least Common Denominator LXVIII.II Intersecting Lines
The silence was deafening."Err..." Why was nobody responding to my speech? Did I do say something wrong or something?"Uhh... Sis?"Livia? "Yes?"My sister fidgeted from where she stood. I didn't know why, but it looked like she was trying to hide something from me. Huh.... Now I'm suspicious..."It's kind of.... can we get inside yet?"Eh? "What's wrong?" I mean, sure, we were still exposed to the elements, but it's not like it was too cold right now. Besides... wait...My eyes wandered across the crowd, my stupid brain taking a few seconds to buffer before a stark realization hit me. They were all shivering with shit clothing for the winter.Yikes! "Oh! Let's get everybody warm inside, yeah?"
The Least Common Denominator LXVIII.III Intersecting Lines
"étonnante..."I heard Anne mumble something French under her breath again as we made our way to my workshop. I suppose that the running pipes throughout the cave were something to look at, but it wasn't really that great when compared to the stuff that I really wanted to build. I mean seriously, who looks at the heating pipes and says, 'that's so good'?"Enter."Leading her inside, I closed the door behind me before grabbing a chair and giving it to my guest. She just stood in front of me as I offered her a seat, her hands still folded neatly on her lap like a dutiful servant."Take a seat."It took another second before she finally took the chair into her hands. Letting out a sigh, I grabbed my own tall stool and sat beside my chalkboard. I'm sure I'm gonna have to use this thing li
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Isaac had never seen such bullshit in his life. Tothink that he even entertained the possibility of Big Sis Olivia being weaker than her supposed older sister? What a joke.This Crimson lady didn't even look like Olivia!"Are you sure she's stronger?"The young man had always admired strength. It was his dream to become a soldier at a young age. Unfortunately, his short stature made it impossible for him to enlist in any sort of garrison that might even want to have him. He trained and trained for years since his childhood, and yet he got shafted because he didn't reach the height requirements? It made him seethe at the others that were clearly only accepted due to status or lineage."I'm absolutely sure, Isaac," his mentor nodded at him. "Sis was the one that taught me everything I know. I wouldn't be here today
The Least Common Denominator Interlude XXX: Descartes
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CV.V Cotangent
I don't even know what's happening anymore..."Huh... That looks far too complex even for you, Crimson," Phillipe snarked at my work. Technically Anne's as well, to be honest. "A square rune with that many parts? I don't think that'll work out in the long run.""You and me both," I rolled my eyes with the sarcasm of an overflowing dam. "Seriously, why are you here?""You're being annoying."I raised an eyebrow at the blunt delivery of his oh-so-important announcement. Giving him the best sarcastic inquisitive eyes I could muster, I let out a scoff as I began whatever this talk was going to end up as.'Right behind you there.'You always are, Ica. "And?"Phillipe smirked at me as if he knew exactly what I was thinking, "You're wasting
CV.IV Cotangent
"Let's go crazy..."With a borderline manic whisper, I let my imagination cut loose as my hand moved on its own. Traps within traps, earthen sigils meant to sprout at a moment's notice, the world was my oyster as the goodies slowly accumulated with each stroke of my charcoal.'Don't get too carried away, Master.'I know. I'm not dumb enough to overload the thing before it even came to fruition.And that was the biggest risk to such a massive array as well. With so many moving parts, any wrong line or overlapping rune will pretty much make the whole thing explode. I couldn't stress it enough, even to myself. Do not make this thing more complicated than it already is.'And yet here you are having fun with it.'Don't test me, Ica. Or maybe I'll just assert me being
CV.III Cotangent
Fiiiineee... You win, my precious Ica.The stuttering that ensued at the back of my head was like a soothing tune as I looked over my work. The communication arrays were gonna stay, as would the Essence storage runes at strategic parts of the palace grounds. Hmmm.... Wouldn't the communication arrays be two-way anyway? So why even bother with surveillance runes like last time?My hand moved to remove the minor additions I added on the dirt parts of the grounds, leaving me with more space to work with in terms of... well... anything, really. What kind of runes would even work on shaky ground? Dirt couldn't hold anything beyond the basic types of runic arrays. Anything more complex than a three-layered circuit would blow up instantly from the strain. I could maybe run- wait... why not just do that?The charcoal streaked across the outskirts of the pa
CV.II Cotangent
*ruummbbllee...*The sound of a sputtering engine echoed from behind me as I drew up yet another set of circles on the board. While I kind of put the general purpose of the massive multi-circuit array at the back of my head, I really should try and solidify that stuff properly before making the main control array, shouldn't I...'Good thing you remembered that, Master.'I grumbled through the dull pain I was feeling at my knees as I focused myself back on the doodle that was supposed to be a defense system for the palace grounds. It was far too small of a circle, now that I thought about it. The size of the drawing did little to help me ascertain the types of circuits that I drew on it in the first place. Squinting even further, it felt as if I was reading my own handwriting from how jumbled and nonsensical it all looked with hindsight.
CV.I Cotangent
Plans upon plans upon plans. I feel like I'm repeating myself whenever I say that I'm obsessed about things going right, and if not, to have plans to be able to properly react to the failure. Fool-proofing something small was easy. Doing it again for something on the scale of a war, however, was a completely different beast. The number of variables at play, hundreds to even thousands of moving parts to look over and take into account. The time, the weather, morale, even individuals that might have other ideas and could stray from the plans put into place... It was so much to think about that hours or even days of pouring over the relevant information wouldn't be enough to take everything into account into one's plans. And even if you think you somehow managed to achieve this impossibility, there will always be something so monumentally out of left field that could just absolutely destroy any and all plans along with its sub plans and
Interlude XXXIX: Grigori
GRIGORI⬛⬛⬛*RRRRRUUUMMBBLLEEEE!!!! RRRRUUMMBBLEEEE!!!*"What's wrong, Lord Stone?! Finally getting tired in your old age?!"Grigori grumbled in annoyance as he found himself standing his ground in his self-made fortress. Truth be told, the former Prime expected his fight to be over over ten minutes ago. However, he severely underestimated his enemies' hidden tenacity and downright stubbornness."I'm just getting started, kid!" he boisterously replied. "I'm far from being done!"Still, even as he said those words, Grigori was beginning to feel more tired than he initially expected. His reserves were starting to run dry from the constant back and forth that the combined forces of Lords Breeze and Inferno were throwing at him. And that's not to mention the current
CIV.IV Transistor
OLIVIA⬛⬛⬛"So Lord Iron truly took care of the problem?"Olivia held her breath as she found herself taking in the state that the young Num was just found in. Broken, battered, and bleeding all over, Tesla had clearly taken a beating of a lifetime as her head lolled in her unconscious state, her face marred with cuts and bruises as her white hair was stained brown with dried blood."Damn... I guess the ranking in the Prime Thirteen's not a joke, huh...""Lord Iron's the Sixth, after all. Lady Static's the Thirteenth...""Fuck..." Olivia swore under her breath, her teeth gnashing as she watched the Imperials gawk at her fallen friend. "How the hell do I get her out of there safely..."The warrior Den tuned everything out as she focused on the unenviabl
CIV.III Transistor
OLIVIA⬛⬛⬛*c..crackle....*The faint sound of electricity seemed to crackle from the distance as Olivia stood in the middle of her self-made carnage. The lack of common sense that she was witnessing honestly made her feel more irritated than amused as she slowly walked towards the panicking commander. Olivia had places to be, and possibly someone to save depending on whether or not Tesla could somehow relay to her that she was okay."No matter," she sighed. "You idiots wouldn't understand, I guess.""No!-"*SLASH!*With a quick step, the commander didn't even stand a chance. His sword fell with an unceremonious clang onto the ground as his head rolled off his neck like a piece of meat. Olivia didn't flinch as the idiot's terrified fa
CIV.II Transistor
OLIVIA⬛⬛⬛*CRACKLE! CRACKLE! KRAKATHOOM!*Olivia ran through the streets of Mathema like a woman possessed. Wreaking havoc across every Imperial contingent she came across, lightning followed her path as she relied on Tesla's ever-encompassing presence to deal massive damage on the enemy while despite being outnumbered by at least a hundred to one. She knew that Her Sister would no doubt disapprove of her current tactics, but if it worked, then why bother changing it?"If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?"*KRAKATHOOM!*"AAHHH!!!!""IT BURNS!"With a smile on her face and blood on her blade, Olivia uttered her Sister's own words out loud as a reminder. Lightning crackled behind her, screams of her fallen enemies saturat