The phone call ended, and before Mr. Augustus could ask what the problem was, Evan dashed out of his office.

He reached the street and quickly hailed a cab to head back to his mansion.

During the ride, his mind raced with different thoughts about his matron.

Who sent those men to kidnap her, and why? It didn't make any sense.

As soon as the cab reached his mansion, Evan hurriedly got out, paid the driver, and quickly headed inside, eager to find Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson was already waiting outside the mansion entrance. When Evan saw him, he walked over quickly and said in a firm voice, "I'm glad you're here. We need to act fast."

"Yes, young master. I've already alerted the security team. We're ready to move out" Mr. Johnson replied.

"Good. First, let's head to the study and gather everyone. We need to come up with a plan to find Mrs. Evelyn and get her back safely" Evan said, striding towards the mansion entrance.

As they entered the study, the security team was already assembled, th
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