Creating Essence Crystals

After two months inside the cave, Lynn became eight years old in this new world. If he was in his old world, he would be eighteen years old. It was also an important day for him to condense the first essence crystal in his young reincarnated life. The quality of the essence crystals that he was going to create today would directly affect the height that he could climb in his level as a conveyor of essence in the future.

He sat quietly in front of the stone house. Two months of harnessing the power of Ether had raised his essence capacity by a whole level, almost equal to what he had gained from the previous four or five years of conveyance.

This surprised The Remnant. No wonder the divine archmage said in the book that when harnessing ether here, the lower the essence, the faster the growth rate.

Lynn had been able to practice conveyance since the day he came to this world, and he was already very engrossed in it. After two months of hard work, he had become proficient. This level had already exceeded the remnant's original expectations by a great degree.

Therefore, even The Remnant was looking forward to the result of Lynn's creating his own essence crystals today. With this expectation, he voiced. "Child, let's start. Circulate your essence as I said. First, open your veins according to the path of your conveyance, and then, activate all the essence in your body."

After a while, Lynn who had been practicing for a week, listened to The Remnant as he continued to direct him. "Now, divide your essence into nine equal parts, and inject them into the acupoints of your feet, knees, ribs, spine, and shoulders."

According to the remnant's words, Lynn used his mental power to inject the divided nine essence into his acupoints, and then held on firmly. Under the control of the energy, the nine essence slowly circled around the nine acupoints, not dispersing.

He continued to listen to the remnant words. "Calm down and concentrate. Feel the essence changes in these nine places with your heart, feel the stable state of the essence in each place, and feel which group has the most stable essence."

Lynn concentrated attentively. Everywhere the essence was constantly spinning and struggling, trying to rush out of Lynn's control. Gradually, with the passage of time, he felt that the orb of essence on his left shoulder gradually stabilized, and he suddenly relaxed the control on his left shoulder.

Soon, the orb stayed firmly on his left shoulder without being disturbed by his mental force, slowly rotating on its own.

The Remnant also felt that the orb had stabilized, and immediately said. "Now, focus on the orb on the left shoulder, and gradually integrate the essence."

According to his words, Lynn first moved the orb on the right shoulder, which was closest to the left shoulder, over slowly, and then drew out a trace of essence and slowly merged it into the acupoint on his left shoulder. Suddenly, the orb on his left shoulder swayed slightly after a trace of essence was integrated into it. Lynn quickly reduced the amount of essence that was integrated into it, and the air mass on the left shoulder stabilized again.

A trace of essence then continuously merged into the orb on the left shoulder, as fine and long as the silk of a spring silkworm. Slowly, the orb on his left shoulder became bigger and bigger, while the air mass on his right shoulder kept shrinking and finally had nothing left.

After the orb stabilized, Lynn moved the essence orb to his spine. Just like before, a little bit of peeling off, and then a little bit of integration.

The Remnant couldn't help reminding him. "Child, as the orb on your left shoulder grows, the amount of essence you're integrating into it can be increased. Just ensure the stability of the orb."

Lynn increased the integration of essence, and the orb did not shake. Then he tried to integrate the size of the essence little by little, making the speed of integration faster and faster. When the eighth orb moved over, the orb on the left shoulder had become extremely huge. He divided half of the essence in the eighth orb and infused it in, and then the last half of the essence was also infused into the left shoulder.

At this point, Lynn's innate essence scattered throughout his body had all moved to the essence acupuncture point on his left shoulder, as if a space had been opened up on his left shoulder. The huge orb of essence was slowly rotating in the essence cave, it seems so calm and natural.

The Remnant nodded with satisfaction, and said. "Good. Now you let the essence from your left shoulder come out little by little, and fuse it in front of you. ."

Lynn did what he was told, and a trace of essence suddenly passed through the left shoulder, stopped a foot away from his body, and then began to slowly rotate in mid-air. With his previous experience, Lynn continued to increase his output of essence with the continuous growth of the essence orb in front of him.

After a full three hours, the last trace of Lynn's essence was immediately output from the left shoulder of his body. This was taking too long. For an ordinary conveyor, it usually took no more than a quarter of an hour to release essence into the body. But for Lynn, he had actually achieved three hours of essence output, even the the remnant, was surprised.

At this time, the orb of essence in front of Lynn had become a giant orb of essence which was centered on his body, constantly revolving around him slowly. Its light, flashing faint blue in colour, illuminated the entire immortal cave. The faint blue light of essence echoed the thousands of faint green light dots around it, making it look quite magical.

The remnant finally nodded in satisfaction and said to him. "Child, this is the last step, you must keep your mind steady. Try to gradually compress the essence in your body to form a round crystal. The smaller the compression, the higher the ability to attack your opponents and defend yourself in the future."

In fact, according to the book of records, the larger the created essence crystal, the stronger your ability, which was determined by the amount of natural essence. The created essence crystals had different compression strengths due to the different aptitudes of each person.

For example, for a essence master with the same essence, the essence crystals created by those with high aptitude were smaller than those with low aptitude, but the power of their attributes was much greater, and they were stronger in attack and defense. Although there were also some conveyors with high aptitude who preferred the bigger sizes of the essence crystal, and was proud of having a large essence crystal, so that they could show their strength in front of others.

According to the remnant's instructions, Lynn kept compressing the huge orb of essence outside his body as layers of fine sweat beads seeped down his forehead.

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