The Magical Silkworm

The huge underground cavity, the incomparably tall and straight pitch-black trees, and the faint blue light that was as bright as the stars, but more numerous than the stars.

Although Lynn was standing here for the second time, he was still shocked by its incomparably magnificent and beautiful scene.

Coming to the front of the stone chamber, Lynn took out the stone box from his spatial belt and said to The Remnant. "Guardian, its now five days, I want to take out the undergarment and see the effect of the silkworm on it."

Afterwards, he took the undergarment out of the spatial storage, and with a flick, there was no moisture left on the undergarment. It was really looking good, Lynn thought. If all clothes have this effect, then washing clothes would be a much easier thing, and one didn't need to dry them.

The Remnant then released a trace of divine consciousness. "Good. The effect is really good to see. This undergarment can only resist the attack of third-level attacks before now, but after the soaking in the past few days, I feel that even if you're attacked by a fourth or fifth-level conveyors, this garment can still resist it."

Despite having tens of thousands of years of experience, the remnant was still amazed by what he was seeing. The magical effect of the silkworms on the undergarment was extraordinary. After pondering for a while, The Remnant said. "Lynn, you have been practicing in this cave for two months now, and the undergarment have been soaking in the silkworm fluid of the tree all these days, so you can put it on before you leave."

After hearing this, Lynn was also inexplicably excited. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a magical place, again, by chance. If nothing else, the upgrade of a defensive undergarment alone was a great opportunity that couldn't be found in most places. 

In any case, his own defense in the future would no longer be comparable to ordinary people. He was now a conveyor. After all, an essence master who could convey to level five or above was not someone to be viewed with an average eye.

Lynn removed the undergarment from the silkworm fluid, then returned the stone box into the spatial storage again.

After a few seconds later, The Remnant said. "Lynn, you can try to eat a silkworm now. I will keep you out of its danger."

Lynn agreed, and immediately took down a magical silkworm with a faint green light from the stone wall. He put the silkworm on the palm of his hand, looked left and right, and didn't know where to start.

Thinking about the past life, he often ordered a few strings of silkworm pupae to eat when he was eating barbecue, but it was cooked, and he didn't feel much when he ate it. He still remembered that his father liked to eat silkworm chrysalis when he was very young. After washing the silkworm chrysalis with water, he would throw them into his mouth one by one, his mouth full of white oars. He and his mother would feel sick by this and wanted to vomit.

Thinking of this, Lynn felt nauseous again. Unexpectedly, he had to face this kind of living bug now.

Staring at this fat and robust silkworm in his hand, how could it be better to swallow than the living silkworm chrysalis, especially with the eight pairs of small fleshy feet on its abdomen. it felt sticky in the palm of the hand. He really didn't know how it would feel if this thing scratch his throat with its little fleshy feet when swallowing it.

"Remnant, can I bake it before eating it? I think it should taste better that way. I have a special baking method that guarantees that it will be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. I'll bake two more for you to try too."

"Hahaha." The Remnant couldn't help laughing. "Is that so? You can even fry it."

"I can?"

"Of course not. Are you scared of eating this little thing?"

"Scared? How can I be scared? I'm a manly man, how can I be frightened of eating a small worm? I just want it to taste better." It also sounded like saying this was the kind of feeling of being strong from the outside and soft on the middle.

The Remnant couldn't help but ask. "Oh? You know what, child? If you're scared to eat, I won't blame you."

"Scared? I'll show it to you now." Lynn immediately regretted it after saying that. Bah, bah, how could he agree to this? Looking at the big meaty bug in his hand, and then at the eight pairs of small meaty feet, his intestines lurched in a knot.

Ugh. It was a blessing, not a disaster. Or, a disaster that couldn't be avoided. It would die sooner or later, anyway. So he ruthlessly made up his mind. He closed his eyes, raised his hand and put the silkworm in his hand into his mouth, and then bite down hard.

The silkworm exploded in hus mouth, and he didn't even dare to scoff at the smell. As soon as he raised his neck, the juice in his mouth, which was mixed with the body of the magical silkworm, washed down into his stomach.

Afterwards, he blinked, feeling the coolness in his mouth. It was not as disgusting as he imagined. As he swallowed the celestial Silkworm, a cool air slid down his throat and into his stomach. This feeling... how comfortable it was. It felt as good as drinking a sip of iced Pina Colada under the hot sun.

Lynn was comfortably feeling the refreshment that the silkworm brought him, but the remnant was not idle at this time. As the celestial silkworm was absorbed into his stomach, the remnant focused on every change in Lynn's body. He was afraid that there could be some mistakes, which could adversely affect the boy's body.

After all, he was the guardian of the boy's soul until the assigned time. But as time passed slowly, the remnant didn't find anything wrong, so he relaxed his mind.

Slowly, the refreshing feeling in Lynn's whole body receded, and what followed was a heatflow, in his bones and veins. It was weak at the beginning, but soon, the heat flow started to become stronger.

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