Chapter 41 ~ Hell Wolf
After the departure of Du Jing and Tang Hu, the other three went westward to conduct spying.

“Why did you both stop?” Ask by Ji Ling.

"Well, Ji Ling, you’ve probably heard of Du Jing’s brother, who failed to enter Hell’s court." Hau Zu stared straight toward Ji Ling quietly.

"Although it is very regrettable, that is what happened." Also, the Elders of Na blamed the Du family for being responsible for the loss of the core of the Hell Court." Ji Ling understood briefly.

“You know, this is just my speculation. Brother Du Jing intended to kill Tang Hu." Hau Zu explained his opinion.

“What!! Killing fellow disciples of the Guang Jian sect is not permitted, and why want to kill Tang Hu?" Ji Ling spoke heavily; clearly, he was very confused.

"Ji Ling and Brother Du Jing failed in Hell's trial, while Tang Hu could. Do you not think it is strange?” Hau Yu added lust.

“Than Hu must have deceived and harmed Brother Du Jing." Hau Zu added it.

“It’s not possible; why do you accuse Tang Hu o
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