Broken III

Gabriella and Helena were in Gabriella's room. Both of them were sitting on Gabriella's bed with the basket in between the two of them. No one said anything. They were still shocked by what they saw. They were speechless. They were disappointed and mad.

" So she has been cheating on him the whole time?", Gabriella broke the silence as she asked.

" Seems like it"

" After all that he had done for could she be so cruel towards him? How could she still face him with a smile, hug him, and talk to him as if she had never done anything? "

" I told you. She was born an actress. What are we going to do now? He will be broken if he knew the truth. "

" He deserves to know the truth. "

" So we are taking her down?"

" Of course. No one and I mean no one is allowed to deceive him. "

" So what's the plan?"

" I will tell you later. Right now, we need to pay Riley a visit. "

" Let's get going then. We need to change our clothes. "


At the Dwyer manor.

Riley ran to hug Helena and Gabriella
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