Broken II

" Oh..."

" I will be leaving now. Goodbye, I will see you soon!", said Gabriella as she walked out of the room.

Myles felt a hint of disappointment.

' She left so quickly...'


Gabriella walked out of the room in long and fast strides. Her heart was beating faster than usual. She thought that it was because she was basically jogging so she stopped for a moment and leaned against a wall.

She placed her hand over her heart and took deep breaths.

Gabriella saw Helena walking towards her carrying a basket of fruits and other various snacks. Helena was eating strawberries and grinning.

" Where did you get that?"

" Someone sent it to me. I think it's a secret admirer. "

" A secret admirer?"

" Yeah, the lady who brought it to me said that it was from a secret admirer."

" And you don't know who it is yet you are eating it?"

" Yes. I checked for curses and poison. There is none of that in this basket. "

Gabriella spotted a little clear box filled with muffins and held her hand out.

" I'm not
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