A captivating scene unfolded before them as the group of skilled swordsmen and swordswomen made their way through the dense forest of the north. Their eyes gaze at their surroundings, taking in every detail of the unfathomable landscape.
Through the dense foliage, they maneuvered around a bush and a towering tree that reached towards the sky. But something caught their attention, a figure lurking in the shadows, silently following their every move. Intrigue filled the air as the adventurers tightened their grip on their katanas, ready for whatever lay ahead.
Their attire was anything but ordinary. Beyond the traditional kimono, they donned fashionable coats and enigmatic masks. Each mask bore a distinctive number, revealing their rank and prowess. The leader, Agatsuma Hit, proudly wore the number 1, marking him as the forefront of courage and skill.
Hashibira Kosuke, the daring second-in-command, sported the striking number 2 mask, showcasing his unwavering loyalty. Katrina, the enigmatic third member, donned a mask with the colossal number 3 emblazoned across its front, a testament to her remarkable abilities. The numbers, meticulously colored, added an air of mystery to their already captivating presence.
Tsuyuri Shi, the stoic fourth companion, wore a unique mask with dark particles flowing through it, a representation of his elusive nature. And lastly, Hashibira Komoto, the spirited fifth member, proudly displayed a number 5 mask, ingeniously crafted from delicate leaves.
Amidst this formidable group of swordsmen, one woman stood out. Her graceful figure was draped in a flowing black coat, perfectly accentuating her layered kimono in a mesmerizing shade of light pink. Her boots, a striking dark hue, echoed the strength and determination that radiated from her.
The four men, equally resplendent in their long black coats, contrasted their attire with layered kimonos in a captivating shade of light blue. Their dark-colored boots complemented their sleek and powerful presence, amplifying the harmony of their fellowship.
Together, they embarked on an adventure that would test their mettle and unravel the secrets of the forest. As they walked with an air of elegance and purpose, the world could not help but be drawn to their captivating presence and the mysterious tale that unfolded with each step.
"Ah, a new beginning, huh? Quite the statement, Agatsuma Hit," chuckled Hashibira Komoto, bringing the group's stride to a halt. Agatsuma, leading the way, reluctantly spun around to face him. Komoto, lingering in the distance, met Agatsuma's stoic expression with a mischievous grin.
"In life, there's always an opportunity for a fresh start... even amidst failures, there's always something more," Agatsuma responded, pivoting back around, deliberately feigning ignorance of the rustling sound to their right. They pressed onward, venturing deeper into the forest, their ultimate destination lying to the north.
"In death, there's no room for new beginnings! It's just an end, plain and simple!" shouted an infuriated Komoto, his head snapping up to fix his gaze upon Agatsuma.
"But have you ever truly felt the weight of guilt? Yes, death is a finality that cannot be undone, but how can you escape it indefinitely? You must tread carefully and choose wisely, dear Komoto Hashibira," Agatsuma replied, a touch of solemnity in his voice.
"Enough dawdling! We mustn't waste another moment! The northern village awaits, brimming with possibilities," interrupted Katrina, striding past Agatsuma with purpose.
"The guilt... it grips me whenever we arrive too late to save an innocent life... They were meant to live, but now... they're long gone," Agatsuma confessed, his head hung low. Katrina continued her relentless march forward, her attention caught by a mysterious figure in the corner of her eye—a being with piercing white eyes and an ethereal darkness.
"That child's sacrifice saved the lives of countless, so we ought to honor his memory until our own last breath," Agatsuma murmured, his gaze flicking to Katrina's hands, discreetly concealed in her pockets, as she contemplated the vast expanse of the morning sky. They trailed behind her while at ease and at peace.
"Now what do we do when we arrive at the north village? All the masters were there... The master of the sun, the master of land, the master of the desert, the master of the flame, the master of the wind, the master of the water, and the master of the earth... I believe I named them all, they've been on high alert the entire time in the village, it said to be that someone is following them and vanished when they arrived," Tsuyuri Shi said in a dark voice.
"And someone here is also following us, mind leaving us?" Agatsuma Hit asked as they all came to a halt. He looked to his left and noticed an unknown Dark Swordsman standing menacingly on top of a massive branch. The left waist of the unknown Dark Swordsman is adorned with a dark blade.
"Stop ignoring us... We came here in peace, we thought you weren't going to talk to me or them, unknown spirits are always in the dense forest traveling second by second, I know every Shira Swordsman can see it, now let me know if you find an unknown Prime Dark Swordsman. You'll die if you fight one," the Dark Swordsman warned them in a dark voice as he looked down at the five who looked straight and had their eyes on him.
"What are you going to do if we see a prime?" Tsuyuri asked, turning to his left and looking up. He notices the Dark Swordsmen smile and crouch.
"I'll be teaming up with them and betraying them in the end, and it will benefit me, I'll have their soul and power inside of them, then it's the end, do we have a deal?" the Dark Swordsmen respond and ask as they all turn to face him and look up.
"How do we know you won't kill us after that?" Agatsuma Hit wonders as he notices the Dark Swordsman's bright glowing white eyes.
"You know I'm not fully a Dark Swordsman, I'm different, I'm honest with my deal, I travel space dimension to escape with my enemies, which I will also do when I'm done," the Dark Swordsman responds as he abruptly stands.
"We have a deal. Where can we talk to you or reach out to you?" Tsuyuri Shi inquired as the Dark Swordsman closed its eyes and smiled. He opened his eyes and flew down in front of Tsuyuri Shi, forcing everyone to draw their swords.
"I'll be in the shadows. If you find them inside the village, try not to die when I'm not there," the Dark Swordsman said as he abruptly vanished. Agatsuma Hit sighs and begins to walk to the right.
"I can't believe Darks do deals, are we accepting it, Agatsuma Hit? And the Dark Mobs following us have also suddenly vanished," Tsuyuri Shi said to the four of them, turning to look at Agatsuma Hit, who had stopped and looked up.
"We'll see. For now, let's return to the north village, where we'll all think about it and vote," Agatsuma Hit replied as the four others behind him began to walk.
In the far north. Fudo Toka, a girl, was playing on a balcony. It was a two-story residence. She was occupying herself with her teddy bear. She is twelve years old at the moment. She was alone in the house playing alone in the morning when she noticed the bright shining sun and the bright blue sky that made her smile. She made her teddy bear looked at it.
She looked down from the balcony and saw a village with people walking and playing with their children. She pauses her game and looks down, remembering that she does not have a family. She has no idea what her real name is or what her parents' names are. Her master adopted her. She became sad and shed tears while tightly hugging her teddy bear.
She was a swordswoman from a young age. When she turns around, she sees a chair against a wall and a door to the left. She gets to it and sits on it. She hasn't slept all night because she is expecting someone. She leaned back and closed her eyes, her teddy bear is on her lap. She close her eyes after a couple of minutes of looking at the sky then slowly falling asleep.
She was adopted when she was very young. She lost her parents in the village of Moriska. She was one years old at the time and lived there with her parents. Until the village was attacked and completely destroyed. Before the battlefield was destroyed, a master arrived, but only one man arrived. He was only able to help a few people in the area where he arrived. When he's finished, only a few hundred people have been saved, while a thousand have died. He nearly died after losing his left eye.
He was passing by a house. When he heard a baby crying inside, he was shocked. Everything had been demolished in the destroyed house. He took a slow look to his right and dashed towards it. He re-sheathed his sword in his left sheath and began grabbing the wreckage of the house.
He dug and dug with his bare hands until he discovered a hole caused by the earthquake. On the sides of the young baby, he notices a man and a woman. He cried and thanked the gods. He flew down to see how the baby's parents were doing. But it was too late. They were both crushed, and Fudo Toka's father was stabbed in the chest. He grabbed the baby and flew up, out of the hole before it collapsed.
He is able to escape. He kneels and turns around to see that the two-story house has collapsed. He assumed the hole was made by a dark being, an enemy. He returned his gaze to the baby he was holding in both hands. He cried out, raised his head, and gazed up at the sky. It started raining while he was closing his left eye and dripping blood.
He was heartbroken when he realized the baby he was holding had no parents and had no idea what her name was. When he turns around, he sees Dark Swordsmen approaching him. He stands and begins to run, gradually disappearing insight. He was walking on a path and ended up in the village unharmed. The civilians he had saved had already escaped the village with the assistance of the special swordsmen who had arrived late.
He stormed into the east village. He walks straight towards the capital, blood dripping from his left eye and forehead. He was rushing towards the eastern capital. East was the nearby village of the destroyed village. He yells angrily at the heads of the east until they give him the word that silences him.
A whole army was destroyed, and two Shira Swordsmen who arrived back at the village were severely wounded. He was stunned and sat down on the ground. He was exhausted, and he had major fatique all over his body, which caused him to lose consciousness and fall.
He then got taken by the medics of the village. And also the baby that he named Fudo Toka. He named her after he was discharged of the hospital and got approval from the heads to adopt her. He retired for some time to take care of her but that was only five years.
She is intelligent and can speak at the age of two. He was mesmerized as he told her what had happened at such a young age. She cried, but she accepted it. When she is four years old, they both walk out of the village to the destroyed village where he has left the village to dust.
He was a Shira Swordsman at the time the village was attacked. But he's no longer a Shira Swordsman. The heads sent four of the best swordsmen in the area to investigate. When the four best swordsmen arrived in the area, they never returned.
The master of Fudo Toka, who adopted her, notices a strange wind blowing as they travel to the destroyed village where she was born. He was carrying her, and she was sitting on his shoulder, pointing her index finger at the setting sun. The Master of Fudo Toka then smelled blood in the wind. This caused him to pause and notice an actual portal opening.
Fudo Toka was mesmerized and fascinated by this, so he turned around. Her master turned around and began to run as she looked back and saw a swordsman with a flowing energy violet blade in his right hand. It suddenly vanished and reappeared in front of her master, kicking. It almost hit him in the face, but he quickly flew back and avoided the kick. He was enraged and agitated.
Her master is still running and hasn't drawn his sword. He keeps running while holding Fudo Toka in both of his hands and talking to her. The unknown who emerged from the portal was about to reach its blade towards its neck when he vanished. Behind the masters and master's apprentices, there were more secrets and mysteries. They had been hidden since the Dark Era, when they began and ended the Land of War.
Fudo Toka was awakened by the sensation of someone touching her left arm. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling her teddy bear still on top of her lap. She turned to her right and noticed a man standing there, smiling at her.
As she hugs him tightly, she smiles and her eyes widen. She was happy and giggling, just like the unknown man who hugged her tightly.
"Master Kiroshuku! I thought you were also going to leave me," she sobbed. His front kimono bore her face. He was dressed in a long coat, wore a mask over his left shoulder, and his left eye was closed.
"I promised! Don't worry, I won't be killed that easily," he said as he gently tapped her on the head. Her hair is long. She is still tearing.
"Where have you been? I still want you, I waited all night!" she exclaimed as she let go of him and looked up. He kneels, smiles at her, and pats her on the head once more.
"I did come to that village where I left your parents because I don't have time, the four finest swordsmen were found... I know you've only had your sword for two weeks but you already have the skill of the finest swordswoman, take care of yourself Fudo Toka, you have a long way to go!" he replied with a smile. As she wiped her tears, he closed his right eye and smiled at her.
"Let's go get something to eat," they say as they enter their home. It was a two-story house, and her master, a swordsman named Kiroshuku, was known as the master of the wind in the past.
They walk into the kitchen and eat some food. After that a couple of hours have passed.
Fudo Toka was walking back up on the balcony while holding her teddy bear in both hands. She gets to the balcony and sense her master following her. She turns around, sees him, and walked past her.
He sat in a chair and gazed up at the sky. He closes his eyes and, before sitting, removes his coat and sits. He shuts his eyes. His eyes were a light blue color. He smiles and smells the peace and leafs. He hears Fudo Toka playing with her teddy bear on the ground to his left. He giggled as he hears Fudo Toka laughing to her teddy bear.
"What do you see in the sky, Fudo?" he asked, turning to his left and leaning back in his chair, gazing at her. She put down her teddy bear and looked up. As he notices her looking up, he sighs.
"I see clouds, the sun, and a blue sky!" she exclaims joyfully. She sat down on the ground.
"Isn't it also peace? We're at ease we could live both peacefully in the mountains, and you might find a husband," he laughs. Fudo Toka's expressionless face compelled him to stand and pat her on the head.
She sat down as she looked up and noticed the clouds moving slowly. Her master entered the house again, walking by and past her. She inhales and exhales while looking up at the sky. She is content, and the silence is making her sleepy.
"Hmm! I might leave her again for some time, but this time it will be a whole night and till afternoon, I can smell the blood in the air that something bad will happen tonight... I will give her that blade that she holds, she can control a dark power at ease, but she's not a Burraku or a Dark Swordswoman, she's different she possesses a kind of power that I don't know but I can make her show it to me by making her a great swordswoman," Kiroshuku thought as he walks in a room inside the house. It was a bedroom close to the sink and the bathroom. On the ground, he notices a pillow and a blanket.
"She didn't fix her bed, ah! I should've taught her to do that every single day," he said as he face palms, grabbing and folding the blanket. There was only enough room for one bed and one table next to the bed. He placed the blanket beside the bed.
He smiles and places her fold blanket on top of her pillow. He then turned around and began to walk out of her room. He looked down as he closed the door behind him with his left hand. He remembers something. He had his sword in front of him. His sheath was patterned dragon green, and the blade of his sword was green with a light blue-greenish handle. It was hung on the wall. He uses his right hand to touch the sheath of his blade. He looks down and closes his eyes.
Agatsuma Hit, Hashibira Kosuke, Hashibira Komoto, Tsuyuri Shi, and Katrina have arrived in the north village. They were walking through the village, with five of the village's massive gates visible behind them. The main village, or nation, is protected by a round wall. Agatsuma Hit was still leading the way.
They walk past a man pulling a wagon on their left. They were walking along a brick-paved path. Near the giant gate, which is guarded by swordsmen. They were six in number. There are four on top of the wall and two on the bottom. The wall stands at least 150 feet tall and three feet thick. On the inside, there are stairs. The swordsmen in the guard wore weaponized armor.
"Huh! It's been a long time since we got back to the North Wind!" Katrina exclaimed, stretching both of her arms. Hashibira Kosuke was to her left, and Hashibira Monoke was to her right. Tsuyuri Shi stood in front of her, and Agatsuma Hit stood in front of Tsuyuri Shi.
"Yeah, but stay alert, we don't know if those Dark mobs and Dark Swordsman really vanished," Tsuyuri Shi says quietly as he notices Agatsuma Hit nodding seriously. They were now heading for the Capital.
"We're going to stay here for a while because that Dark Swordsman's words bother me," Agatsuma Hit said, sighing and coming to a halt. He turned around to face them.
"Really now? Huh! Well, this is a prosperous nation, after all, we could just stay here and have fun," Katrina laughed. She looked him in the eyes as his masks covered most of him except his eyes.
"I like the outsides of this prosperous nation except for the inside! You know what I'm talking about, now... We're here for him because we want him to lead that army to the next level of guarding the villages... Kiroshuku Gakure is one of the masters, all of the current masters where Gakure's no other last name," she said calmly as she stared at him.
"You four can do whatever you want, but if something happens, we'll meet in front of the capital and let the heads of the north die because they're not ashamed of what they've done to that village that was also supposed to be one of the nations, not only the east, south, west, south, but also the northwest was supposed to be on the list," Agatsuma Hit said as he saw them four nod. He turned around and nodded. He started walking as he looked up at the sky and saw the sun shining brightly.
"Those Dark Swordsmen we recently fought in the east needed to spread out in the entire nations or else... Good thing we arrived sooner or our village is done, the Shira's were away, and is that why those Dark Violet Swordsmen were there? Tsk! We need to find out that one soon," Agatsuma Hit thought as he looked down. He was distressed as he walked alone.
Suddenly, an unknown appeared on his left side, causing him to come to a halt. As he turns to his left, he notices a swordswoman standing and smiling at him.
"Hello! It's been a long time Suma! Or Agatsuma Hit!" she exclaimed as she looked at him, surprised. Her hair is long, and she is dressed in patterned pink kimono blossoms with a colored pink blade on her left waist.
"Hanako!" he exclaimed as he slowly removed his mask with his right hand. He gradually smiles as he straightens his back.
"I didn't expect you to notice me so quickly, especially since I'm wearing a mask," Agatsuma hit said. On his left is Hanaka, a swordswoman. He was a little taller than she was. She had long pink hair that past her neck.
"I recognize your scent! If you still smell the same, you haven't changed! And it's still a good smell of kindness," she said as she straightened up and began to walk. Agatsuma Hit quickly walks alongside her. She's to his left, a little ahead of him.
"Hanako... What are you doing here, I thought you'd be in the south with your little sister?" he asks, noticing the capital in the distance.
"Yeah... She'll die soon from illness, so I came here to find the flower she loved, and that flower can only be found in the north wind village, so I came here," she says as she comes to a halt and lowers herself down. She gradually resumed walking.
"Sorry, then I must assist you! But let me finish talking to the heads first, or you can proceed if you want, I'll quickly find you," he said as he smiled at her. She also gave him a look that made them both laugh and smile. As she looks down, she sighs and feels something heavy inside her chest.
"I must carry her dreams with me, I can accomplish it, her dream was to be one of the greatest Flower Shira Swordswomen alive... But now it is just a dream that she can't accomplish because of her illness, Hiroshi Gakure my master was on the move to the far south, he was called to the place because two Shira's were found fatally wounded, if he arrives there safely he could...— me and Monoke Gakure were still training in the mountains," she said as she lost her smile.
"I see... The Dark Mobs... Has been wreaking havoc in that place, and undeads were heard being reborn in the place because of a Dark Shira Swordsmen, it was doing of that menace, I've heard rumors that it was near the land of the dead, but south said to be taking care of it, Hiroshi Gakure one of the masters is from the east now helping the far south while the other Shira's is on their way back... Right? " Agatsuma Hit asked, slowly raising his head and looking up into the sky and exhaling.
"Yes, you're right... I'm nowhere near your league, but I can protect people and fight an undead or a Dark Mob, except for Dark Shira Swordsmen," she responds as she slowly straightens her back and places her right hand on her left arm.
"Just wondering what those flowers you'd like to give to your sister are?" he asks as he comes to a halt. She also came to a halt, turned around, and smiled at him. Agatsuma Hit made an expressionless face while she face palms and smiled.
"It was called a coneflower, she said she loved it the most, in her young-young days she was looking for it every day in the south village forest in the outside and inside with master Hiroshi Gakure but they found nothing but Magnolia trees," she responds, jumping a little like a cat and turning around to begin walking. He quickly followed her on her right side from behind.
"You're still cute, but you're cuter than I thought," he said shyly as he facepalmed. He smiled when he heard her laughing. After that, they fell silent.
A couple of minutes have passed. There in front of the northern capital. In front of them both an upstairs and two guard swordsmen guarding the front of the glass door. The guard swordsmen looked down and saw Agatsuma Hit beginning to walk up the stairs.
"I'll wait for you here," she says as he turns around.
"This may take a while, I have issues with the heads of the north, but I'll see you in the land, wait for me there," he said as he saw her nod and smile. She started walking to the left. Agatsuma Hit turned around in front of him again and looked up. He notices two guard swordsmen wearing body armor and holding spears in their left hands.
They also have swords on their left waists and are standing by the door. They were dead serious as they looked down at Agatsuma Hit, he has his mask on his right shoulder hanging up front.
The guard smiled and nodded at him. He walks into the capital and begins to sense the presence of the shadow Shira Swordsmen guarding the heads in the capital's shadows.
"I just walked in, the door was already open, and what is this sensation?... Is this from the Shadow Shira's guarding the heads? Ha, how convenient," he thought as he wears his mask.
He started walking and turned to the right. Another was located upstairs. He walks up and reaches the capital's second floor. When he gets to the second floor, he turns left and walks into a hallway.
In the distance, he notices an open door and three unknowns sitting in a chair in front of a round table, reading documents on top of their round table.
"I haven't seen them reading documents, is something going on?" Agatsuma Hit wondered as he sensed another unknown swordsman next to the door inside the room of the heads in the distance. He became dead serious, looking straight and walking straight.
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The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 2: The Man Behind the Mask
He makes his way to the head's room. He was standing near the front door about to enter the room when the man in the middle of the two suddenly stood up in the distance in front of a round table. The unknown swordsman standing behind the door was unaware of Agatsuma Hit's presence. He walks in as the heads turn to look at him. There were four people in the room, plus two unknown shadow guard swordsmen hiding in the shadows. It was a large room that could fit at least a hundred people. There were two bookshelves next to the windows on the left and right sides of the room. An open window is visible behind the unknown man in the distance. There are also couches near the windows. "We expected a messenger swordsman to arrive in our village, but we guess not... Get out of here if it's not important, or say it and just leave," the man who stood up said. "Hmm! Still no shame! I thought you'd changed yourself Warui Rou one of the heads!" he snarled as he stormed into the room and came to a h
The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 3: Shira Swordsman and Dark Violet Shira Swordswoman Battle
Kiroshuku stands menacingly as the unknown swordswoman tosses an unknown person's head to the side. She comes to a halt and takes a menacing stance. She smiles at him while pointing her blade menacingly. "We meet again, I cut his head off, want to know why? Master Kiroshuku? It's so sad that every student you have died left and right," she said menacingly as she saw him furious. "I'm not running this time!" he said solemnly, pointing his blade down. He suddenly realized it was the same swordswoman who had blown up earlier. "Can she provide clones on her own? Unbelievable! The Gakures are known to be the only ones who can do it because their bloodlines are unimaginable, from being a normal kid to becoming a legend, or even above it... But there are only a couple of Gakure's left on this world and they need to be protected," Kiroshuku thought as he stepped on his right foot and vanished. He appeared behind her and was about to swing down her blade when a massive violet barrier wall a
The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 4: The Messenger Swordsman
Fudo Toka was standing on Kiroshuku's right as he approached a three-story residence. The sun was shining brilliantly up in the sky, and the sound of birds chirping could still be heard. She was holding her teddy bear and hugging it tightly with her right hand, while her left hand was holding Kiroshuku's right hand and she stared at the front gate in front of her. "Is he not here? Come on! I tho—" he interrupted himself as he noticed the door to the house open in the distance. He notices a swordsman walking out of the house and his eyes widen as he recognizes Kiroshuku. "Kiroshuku! I didn't sense you sorry! I thought you'd arrive later!" the unknown man exclaimed as he dashed to the gate and opened it. "Your coat, what happened?" he asked, opening the gate and stepping aside to make room for them both. They walk through the grass and along a stone-patterned path to his house. "The unknown that I fought didn't even faze her, she's completely on another level, but it appears that I
The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 5: The Dimensional Beings
Kiroshuku was walking toward Fudo Toka as he noticed her smiling and laughing while playing with her teddy bear. She was content alone as he turned around and heard thunderclaps in the skies. "A perfect day for an ambush or a war, thunderstorm," he reflected as he returned his gaze to Fudo Toka, who was now staring at him. "Fudo, you'll keep this sword of mine, later on, I remember you using it at the age of 4, now you're 12 you can do it! I'll find someone's sword and hold it! But for now, I'll hold it, we're evacuating!" he said as Fudo Toka let go of her teddy bear and hugged him, and the ground beneath them began to shake. "They're here!" he exclaimed, shocked, as Fudo Toka let go of him. He carries him with both hands and then leaps into the air while carrying her. She holds tightly of her teddy bear with her left hand. Suddenly, they can now see half of the village. She feels claustrophobic as she looks down. She closes her eyes and hugs her teddy bear, and Kiroshuku clutch
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"I'm shivering? What is this? Who is he? I'm shivering because of fear and I can't move! Is this a technique...? No, this is an Aura that made me stop moving!" he thought as he looked around and saw the Red Dark Shira Swordsman standing menacingly on a warp portal with a demon aura around him. "You! You defeated my soldier, you seemed not powerful huh! I can't believe such a human is born with great talented power like swordsmanship," the unknown menacingly remarked in a gloomy voice. "Who are you? What do you want?" he said, standing on his ground, his entire body shivering. Similarly, his hands and the wind that surrounding him were blown away a second ago. "What do I want? And who am I? Well, I'm just a man named Red... And all I want is to destroy this village at any cost," he replied as the warp portal he was standing on abruptly closed and he fell gently to the ground. He notices himself stepping on grass. "Destroy this village at all costs? And what kind of benefits are
The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 7: The Unknown Shadow
Domei and Blue are both standing with their eyes wide open. The sky has totally darkened, but the sword on their left waist continues to gleam brightly in the dark, allowing them to discern shadows in the distance. "They suddenly appeared! What do we do? Do we fight?!" Domei says calmly. As he looked into the distance, he seemed to be whispering to Blue on his right side. He was still holding his sword in his right hand, allowing him to notice the sudden shadow in the distance. "If we don't have a choice," Blue replied calmly as he glanced around and sensed more incoming and was likely to surround them if they stayed longer than minutes. The shadow in the distance transforms into a human form with a sinister aura. A dark aura was created by a shadow. They both see that they are not looking at a human, but rather something that appears to be a human. "Perhaps I'll take care of it and take Fudo Toka to the west to get the message," Domei stated, drawing the attention of Fu
The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 8: Red Thunder
Agatsuma Hit was about to fall to the ground when a massive wind blew up from behind him. He turns around to watch Kiroshuku fly a massive monster above the skies. That amazed and scared him as he saw Kiroshuku standing menacingly and his wound stopped bleeding. "Hmmm! Every master has a trump card, and they don't stop there... They can have no limits if they're fighting for someone," Agatsuma Hit reflected as he continued to fly up and toward the north wind village's gate. Suddenly, hundreds more Shurikens appeared in the distance, charging towards him at high speeds and twirling in the air. He raises his blade in front of him, and the air around him begins to vibrate. "Red thunder!" he yelled, and all of a sudden he vanished and transformed into thunder, striking hundreds of Shurikens down. He emerged out of nowhere on the ground, treading on the massive vines. He looks around and notices three unknowns standing on a big vine, each holding an 8-foot-long sword in their right ha
The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era" Chapter 9: War
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Chapter 54: The Farewell End and The Countless Never-Ending Deaths
Fukeshin Gakure was snoring while leaning on a colored aquamarine tree. His presence couldn't be sensed. There was another swordsman on the floating island to his far left staring at him. The unknown swordsman appeared to be a human and tired. His eyes were black and he has a mask and long hair and a beard. Suddenly he vanished from where he was standing and appeared in front of Fukeshin Gakure standing. His eyes widened when he sees that he was still breathing and he was just sleeping. That made him smile and tears started coming down his cheeks as he took a step back. That made some noise and it woke up Fukeshin making him draw his sword with his right hand but suddenly the unknown swordsman in front of him raised his left hand to show his palm and shake his head left and right. That made Fukeshin stop drawing his sword as he glanced at him with his eyes widened. "Who are you? You look old... How did you get here?" He asked curious with his eyes widened. He slowly stands as he
Chapter 53: A Tragic Death
Kiroshuku Hakure was heading back to the West. He was fatigued in the midst of the forest and could scarcely move, but he was determined to keep on. Both his back and his head hurt. His heart and lungs were also bothering him, and his legs and arms were tired. It was like a five hundred kilogram lead dragging him down all over his body. His sheathe held his snapped sword. Blood was trickling from the side of his forehead. He abruptly came to a halt while reaching for a massive tree with his right hand in his right. He coughed out blood while kneeling on the ground. He closed his eyes for a second before opening them and feeling a sharp ache that caused him to kneel even farther to the ground. He spits out blood as his face turns red and slowly the pain starts to go away. He took a deep breath and he stood strong. He widened his eyes as he walked slowly on the grassy path. He cleared his throat as he clutched his left fist and stopped touching the tree with his right hand.Suddenly,
Chapter 52: A Day of Relief
ÆKenki and ÆKatsuki had arrived home safely. They were swaying as they approached the east's entrance gate. Katsuki continued to grasp his blade in his right hand. His body was covered in blood, and he appeared to be unconscious but still walking. Kenki behind him was struggling to move forward. He, like Katsuki, was unconscious yet nevertheless managed to walk. A few soldiers noticed them but couldn't recognize them because of the blood on their faces. Their upper body kimono was ripped to shreds, and their mask was missing. ÆKenki's sword blade was broken. One of the troops instantly recognized them and sent a stretcher with a few men to treat them. ÆKenki and ÆKatsuki both collapse to the ground, motionless and now entirely comatose, as soon as they sense them.They were both in critical condition and could die if not treated quickly. The sun was shining brightly, and birds were chirping in the dark forest to the east. The pleasant breeze caused the tree's leaves to dance.Shimod
Chapter 51: The Opposite of Safety
The room was deafeningly quiet. Blue sat down in his chair, depressed. The two unknown swordsmen were equally anxious about Domei and Blue. They both stared at Kingston, who was equally mute. After a few minutes, he stands and turns around, approaching the door with the intention of departing early. He stretches his neck and prepares to leave the room without smiling or saying farewell. The swordsman in front of the door moved aside to make way for him. Toka suddenly sat up in her chair, drawing the attention of the two swordsmen. Kingston turned around to look at her after hearing her chair. He notices her glancing out a window to the left. A abrupt shake on the ground caused Blue get out of his chair.The unexpected shake lasted only a few seconds. Blue casts a peek at the two unknown swordsmen in the corner and at the door, where he notices three people looking at Toka on his side. When he turns to his right to look at Toka, he notices that both of her eyes are glowing. Blue's e
Chapter 50: Safety
Fudo, Blue, and Domei arrived in the west a few hours ago. Domei was severely injured and unconscious on Blue's shoulder. Fudo Toka sobbed beside him as an army assisted them in carrying Domei to the nearest hospital in the nation at the time. They were on Domei's side at the time, waiting for him to wake up. Fudo Toka was crying on her chair, but Blue was comfortably holding her. That made her feel better, but she couldn't stop crying. Domei was unconscious in the bed in front of them. The medics had already treated him in the same way that the healing sorcerers had. He was supposed to wake up in the following few hours, but he hasn't. They could see him still breathing, but Blue recalls Domei being hit in the right arm and having it crushed. He wonders if it can possibly repair itself and allow him to move again."B-Blue... Will he be alright?" She asked in a terrified voice while crying. She was hugging him tightly. It appeared that she didn't have her teddy bear at her side. Blu
Chapter 49: The Remains
"Kage Rigakure, our only problem here is those Dark Mobs. The ones who remain are powerful and can't be defeated easily. In your state, you are lowered down to a normal swordsman level. Major fatigue in both arms and legs, could barely stand and trembling, have a few broken bones and the loss of blood, it's worsening for you," an unknown Hashira said to him as he took a deep breath and sighs. He glanced in the far distance and saw two legends behind the mask standing menacingly. The giant monster was on their far left, charging towards unknown Hashiras. The gigantic monster was destroying the ground with his weapon and foot. He saw Hirashiki WeraGakure, who was losing blood and worried with a struggling swordsman alongside him. They were both holding their swords in their right hands in the distance, in front of the Dark King, who was accompanied by five additional subordinates. "Hirashiki WeraGakure! We face again! This is kinda exhausting. Looked at the sky! It's daylight and you
Chapter 48: An Even More Darkening Battle Field
The legends behind the mask were all wounded on the battlefield. Almost all of the forces of the Dark King were wiped out. Only a thousand remain, yet there are only three Shira's that were dead. A few of them were guarded by fellow Shiras and some of them were unconscious on the ground. They were in a cleared area near the massive ravine. The Dark King appeared to be injured, and part of his arm did not recover. Kuro was nowhere to be found, while Kage Rigakure was unconscious on the ground. The Dark Legend was likewise nowhere to be found, except for his eagle, which was perched on top of a gigantic vine of a giant tree to their right. He was also seeking for the Dark Legend, who had gone missing in the previous hours. It was near afternoon and all of them came to a halt to look at each other. Everywhere they looked, it was destroyed and all of the swordsmans were holding their swords in their right hand. Suddenly, the Dark King began laughing as the giant portal behind them rema
Chapter 47: Shuzi and the Shadow Guard Swordsman (Last Part: The Past Æ's)
After meeting at the demolished Capital building of the Ganko Village, which is thrown outside, Kenki, Shuzi, and Nurui Fakure, the shadow guard swordsmen, have a brief conversation. They ended their conversation and decided to return to the Village.Kenki cleared his throat as he started running. He came to a halt as soon as he noticed Nurui Fakure approaching her. He kneeled in front of her, and she hopped up behind his back. Kenki made an expressionless face, and Shuzi did the same behind the mask. The two of them began running and entering the forest, heading for the Ganko Village. It was far from them making them both fasten their feet. They sprint by massive trees on both sides. They were sprinting on grass when Shuzi noticed the big branches above her and the green foliage, as well as the blue sky and orange light. She cleared her throat as she felt peace for a moment."Hey, Kenki. I'd like to ask, what happened to the village now? I haven't been back in a while, I'm sure it'
Chapter 46: The Capital Building (Part 7_Æ)
Kenki was sprinting through the forest on a grassy path, gazing around. As he looks around, he notices blood in the trunks of the massive trees around him. He can also smell blood as he looks out into the distance and sees obliterated land. In the distance, he could also see destroyed big trees. Some of it was on the ground, and half of it had been ruined and cut. That caused his eyes to widen as he dashed passed a dead swordsman on his left. That caused him to come to a halt as he turned to his left to see the unknown swordsman leaning against the massive tree and sitting motionless on the ground."A swordsman all the way here?! What?!" Kenki exclaimed angrily. As he got closer to the dead swordsman on the ground. He discovered the swordsman had been torn in two. He was one of the region's exceptional swordsmen who appeared to be dead and unlucky. He notices his split-in-half sword in his side. Kenki's eyes widened as he averted his gaze. As soon as he looked away, he noticed a pic