0009: Mummy, I'm Scared

"It has nothing to do with you," Savannah responded tautly. Her face was cold with anger and she wanted nothing more for the line to move quickly so she could get out of that place.

Margaret chuckled slyly and twirled some hair strands between her fingers. "I am the bank manager. How can it have nothing to do with me?"

"And I'll tell you this. People like you have no right to be here. You have no money yet you still stand in line and delay other important customers. I have the right to kick you out! Besides, everyone knows you were raped."

Savannah's chest heaved with anger as she covered Noah's ears. How can this stupid woman have no regard for a child and still say such vulgar words? That too in the public!

Margaret noticed her actions and rolled her eyes. With a false smile, she raised her tone, "I am only being concerned as an old coursemate. Why don't you know how to appreciate good people?"

Savannah's face turned pale. That topic was a sore wound in her heart that has never healed till now but this woman airs her dirty laundry in public and still pretends to be good.

"Stop harassing me!" She could only speak in a trembling voice.

She wanted nothing to do with Margaret but the latter won't let her go so easily. Her voice got even louder as she snorted,

"Savannah Wilson, has your brain suffered a trauma from getting kicked out of your family?"

Gasps rang out in the crowd as people murmured and pointed at Savannah.

"So she is that Savannah Wilson?"

"Yes, I heard she was the campus beauty of Valoria National University before that incident."

"She was kicked out of the family along with her parents. She is really pitiful."

Their voices were judging, accusing and sharp like arrows making Savannah's beautiful face drain of colors.

"You bad, old aunt, don't bully my mommy!"

Just as Savannah was at a loss, Noah shouted fiercely in his childish voice and pointed his short, chubby fingers at Margaret.

"Mommy?" Margaret's eyes shone with a wicked glint as she finally took notice of Noah. She gasped and covered her lips with her beautifully painted fingers.

"Savannah, not only were you violated, you actually gave birth to a bastard? What a shameless slut!"

As she spoke, she looked down at Noah. Seeing the boy's impeccable facial features and his beautiful eyes which were almost similar to that of his mother, except they were filled with some kind of coldness that a young child shouldn't possess, she felt incredibly uncomfortable.

"You little bastard... Your father is a scum. There is no doubt you will grow up to be like him someday..."

Before she could finish, Noah suddenly rushed up to her and bit her arm hard. She screamed and slapped the boy so hard, handprints appeared on his cheeks like before.

That was it. Savannah lost her temper and retaliated, slapping Margaret. The latter was stunned for a second but she quickly recovered and attacked. Thus, a brawl broke out and the bank hall was in chaos.

"What's going on here?" A potbellied and greasy looking middle-aged man rushed out of the office behind the counter.

Margaret who had a bigger stature than Savannah was having the upper hand in the fight. But when she saw the man, her attitude changed and she began to shed crocodile tears.

"Director Jones, please save me!"

She ran to him, her hair in a disheveled state and face red from the tears. The director looked at her ample breasts which were slightly on display and his face darkened.

"What exactly happened?" He asked her softly.

"This woman was deliberately causing trouble and disrupting the order on the line. I tried to advise her but she wouldn't listen and even..." She let her voice trailed off and cried harder.

Her pitiful appearance would definitely arouse the sympathy of many. But everyone witnessed what had happened. Although they felt contemptuous at her faux attitude, no one was willing to come forward to tell the truth.

"Are you the one causing trouble?" Director Jones turned to Savannah with an unfriendly expression.

But when he saw her appearance clearly, his eyes widened and shone. Her white skin, captivating beautiful face and her entire body exuded a charm no man could pass on. She could even pass for a famous actress with her graceful figure.

"She started it first and hit my son," Savannah was oblivious to his lewd thoughts.

At that moment, director Jones thought even her voice sounded seductive. He scanned her body greedily and licked his lips.

Then he cleared his throat and faked a serious tone, "According to the rules of our bank, anyone causing trouble will be handed over to the security team."

Hearing this, Savannah's face changed slightly. She only wanted to check out this bank card, not cause trouble!

"But since this is your first offense, I'll give you a chance," Director Jones' tone turned suggestive. "Come to my office and explain the situation clearly to me. Then I'll consider not holding you responsible."

Margaret who was standing by the side turned red with anger. She has been having an affair with the director for a long time which explains how she quickly got to a high position within a short time.

So how could she not know what the director was trying to do? Savannah, this bitch! She won't let this happen.

"Director," She quickly stepped forward. "This does not seem appropriate. Everyone knows you are kind hearted but the CEO is coming for an inspection today. If he hears of this..."

She didn't complete her words but director Jones understood what she meant perfectly.

"I suggest we just send her to the cops. What do you think?" Seeing that she had gotten his attention, she deliberately brushed her chest against his body.

Although director Jones was unhappy knowing that she was subtly threatening him, he thought to himself that he would deal with her later and cautiously since she knows many of his secrets.

So he nodded, "Of course. I was only confused for a minute. Security! Take this woman away."

"Mommy... I'm scared..." Noah trembled slightly. He was only a child. Savannah held him tightly but her eyes were filled with despair as two security guards charged towards them.


Suddenly, the bank doors opened with a loud noise.

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