0008: He'll Destroy Them

"It... was... Anthony, the second son of the Gray's family."

Jeff suddenly thought mentioning Anthony Gray's name would save him. After all, the family was a force to be reckoned with.

Who would have expected Kian would flare up with a strong murderous intent, "Gray's family? I intended to give you all time but you keep digging your graves!"


His foot rose and he stomped on Jeff's head viciously. A crack sound resonated as Jeff's skull was crushed by the foot. Blood and brain parts splattered all over.

At that moment, Cody's soul left his body in horror. He has heard tales of the King of War's fury but has never witnessed it till today.

This person, Nathaniel Wilson, must be very important to him. He gulped in fear and took a few steps backwards.

He finally understands why some people call Kian a tyrant.


Kian's cold expression finally dissipated as he watched Nathaniel being wheeled into the operating theater. His body was in a terrible state and the doctor had to perform a surgery on him immediately.

Cody could finally breathe peacefully and his heart was no longer hanging in his throat. He sat on a bench with an exhausted face.

"Sir," Wesley slipped beside Kian quietly and bowed. "The bank card has been delivered to Miss Savannah."

He paused for a second and then presented a document to Kian. "The reason why Nathaniel was also imprisoned has been investigated. He was indeed framed."

Kian collected the document and skimmed through it casually. His eyes gradually turned frosty at what he saw.

Not only Anthony Gray, some of the Wilson's family members were also involved in Nathaniel's downfall including the current head of the family who was Nathaniel's oldest brother, Edward.

Anthony had gathered evidence of Edward's illicit deeds in the family's business and used it to threaten him to help him deal with Nathaniel.

Edward already wasn't on good terms with his brother so he readily accepted the offer in a bid to save himself because if his wicked deeds were to be exposed to the public, he would be imprisoned.

Thus, Nathaniel's family was expelled from the Wilson's family and then he was imprisoned.

"We haven't found out the reason why Anthony did this," Wesley reported to Kian in a soft tone.

"But we did find out there was some sort of undefined relationship between Anthony's mother and Nathaniel Wilson..."

"It doesn't matter," Kian waved his hand dismissively. "There is no reason for being a scum neither will there be one for punishing them."

"Yes sir," Wesley bowed respectfully but said nothing else.

Kian's brows furrowed slightly as he began to feel guilty again. The state Savannah's family is in right now is due to his own actions. He owed her alot.

Thinking of this, his expression became calm again and he looked up at Wesley,

"Transfer all my assets abroad to the country and invest two hundred billion in Valoria Prime. Release the news and open bidding in three days."

His gaze became resolute as he added, "I changed my mind. This time, I won't just kill people."

This world only revolves around money and power. The two top families, Gray and Sinclair are no exception.

Olivia and her family had destroyed his family because of money. He will also use that same money to destroy her and her family completely! Everyone involved won't be left unscathed.

Seeing this scene and hearing his words, Cody's heart trembled with fear.

"Yes sir," Wesley nodded and left almost immediately.

Kian wasn't far behind too. Although he didn't want to, Cody insisted that he would be in charge of personally overseeing that Nathaniel was well taken care of so he had no other reason to remain at the hospital.

Besides, he wanted to inform Savannah about this news personally, hoping it would ease her resentment.


At the bank, Savannah was waiting in line in front of a counter, holding her son's hand. She looked down at the bank card in her hand from time to time, feeling extremely nervous.

An hour ago, she had ended a music class and was preparing to go home when she received a package.

Besides the bank card in it, there was also a little note.

[There is money in this card to sort your problem]

There was no information of how much was in it, who sent it or why. No signature, no description, just those few words.

But she was in desperate need of money. She needed to hire a good lawyer that would take up her father's case. Because of this, she had borrowed money several times in the past but still wasn't enough.

Not long ago, she even dared to borrow a high interest loan of three hundred thousand from a popular loan shark, Felix who is also rumored to be the godson of the notorious Montgomery's family.

But in the end, she not only failed to achieve her goal but also ended in debts and was almost forced to sleep with someone to repay the loan.

She would never have accepted money from an unknown source but she was at her wit's end and had no time to consider anything.

"Oh my, isn't this our campus beauty of Valoria National University?"

Savannah frowned at these words and looked up in the direction where the voice had sounded from.

A young woman in a pristine black suit with an insignia indicating her position as the bank manager walked towards her.

There was a sneer on her face as she took in Savannah's physical appearance and cheap clothes.

"Margaret?" Savannah's face turned cold. This woman was her coursemate but they never got along because Margaret always targeted and schemed against her.

"I heard rumors that you were kicked out of your house because of a sex scandal? What business do you still have in our bank? Do you even have any money?" Margaret looked down at Savannah disdainfully.

She didn't bother to hide her contempt. Back in college, Savannah was always favored by everyone. Every man pursued her and wished to be with her romantically because of her beauty.

Not only that, she was also the academic genius in their entire university. The beauty with the brains. Naturally, people like Margaret got jealous.

When news of Savannah's scandal first broke out, she was the happiest person that day and always wanted to ridicule her.

Unexpectedly, this encounter gave her the opportunity to do so.

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