0007: Death Penalty

Kian's face changed slightly and he shook his head at them coldly. "No one dares to point a gun at me in this country. Not even you. You won't be able to bear the consequences of your actions!"

He has fought tirelessly for the peace of this country for five years and now he is being held at gunpoint in his own hometown. How ironic!

"Who do you think you are to act so recklessly in prison? I have never seen anyone as arrogant and ignorant as you are," Jeff sneered. "Daring to threaten me with consequences? You really have a big ego!"

He raised two fingers at Kian and went on to say, "Attempting to break into the prison and assaulting an officer, these two charges will get you killed. You worthless piece of waste, get him!"

The two guards took out handcuffs and charged towards Kian, ready to apprehend him. The latter's eyes darkened with anger and he was just about to take action when—


A luxurious car with an official license plate drove in at a great speed. It came to a stop beside Kian and the doors flew open.

A middle-aged man with a lean figure and sharp features jumped out of the car in a hurry. He looked anxious and exceeded an aura of authority which made him appear imposing.

Upon seeing this man, Jeff trembled all over and his eyes widened incredulously. He quickly walked up to him with a fawning expression.

"Senior Magistrate Cody! You should have sent a message to inform me in advance so I would have made arrangements for your arrival."

Jeff's attitude towards this man was a complete contrast to how he had just treated Kian. After all, this man was Cody, the top Magistrate in the entire Valoria Prime city.

Jeff has never seen him before in person aside from his appearances on the television. Cody always travels with a large entourage so he couldn't help but wonder why he has come to the prison alone.

"Are you trying to teach me how to do my job?" Cody ignored him and shot a cold look at the guards behind.

Jeff was confused and frightened upon hearing his words. In Valoria Prime, Cody was like a god. If he got angry, Jeff wouldn't have a place to bury himself.

Before he could comprehend what was happening, Cody rushed over to Kian and knelt down on one knee. He bowed and apologized in a fearful tone,

"Your highness, I have just learnt that you came to Valoria Prime and was even too late to escort you. Please punish me."

Your highness?

Jeff froze and his eyes bulged. Cody, the top magistrate, was actually kneeling in front of a man in his twenties and calling him 'Your Highness.' How could this be?

When did such a strange title begin to exist in Valoria Prime? Could Cody have been deceived?

"S—sir! Are you sure you have the right person?" Jeff jumped to conclusion. "This kid broke into the prison privately and tried to take a prisoner away unlawfully. I was just about to have him arrested."


Before he finished his sentence, Cody already slapped him hard. He had an expression that showed he was furious and would have eaten Jeff alive if it was possible.

"You blind fool! Are you seeking death? How dare you forcefully accuse the war king of Valoria's army, Kian Blackwood? Has your brain stopped functioning?"

The... The... Legendary King of War?!

Jeff's face turned different shades of purple, red and then white as he turned as pale as a ghost. His uniform was immediately drenched with sweat.

The guards beside him fell to their knees and dropped their guns. "Please forgive us, your highness!" They cried out in shock.

Who didn't know the legendary king of war of Valoria army? The Valoria army was the country's ultimate weapon and the foundation of the entire nation.

And the king of war... He was an existence that made the world tremble! These two famous titles were like thunderbolts from the sky that made Jeff's head spin in circles.

He suddenly understood why Cody had knelt down. It wasn't because he was deceived or mistaken. It was because he had met the one with the greater power and authority!

And he, Jeff, a lowly employee of the city's prison dared to slander Kian maliciously and attempted to arrest him. What a joke!

There was only one punishment for his stupid mistake— death penalty.

Jeff's legs wobbled and he fell to his knees. With tears streaming down his face, he cried, "Your highness, I deserve to die. I am so foolish and blind. I'll have Nathaniel brought out immediately."

He had no courage to defend himself and could only pray inwardly that Kian wouldn't lower himself to his level and there would be a way for him to redeem himself.

Kian didn't respond. His face was expressionless but he was holding a grudge. The issue with Savannah already made him annoyed. If it wasn't for Wesley sending Cody over, Jeff would already be a dead man.

Soon, Nathaniel was brought out on a stretcher, looking almost unrecognizable and wrapped in bloody bandages.

Cody's face changed and a shiver went down his spine. "What's going on?"

"He... he... was... beaten by the head inmate... in the prison," Jeff trembled and stammered. He would never dare to say the truth.

But how could Kian be so easily deceived? He has fought countless battles, met many people with different characters and already faced death severally so he could see through Jeff's lies.

His eyes fell on Nathaniel's scarred body and he spat out coldly, "Who asked you to do this?"

Before he came to the prison, the prison judge already informed the appropriate authorities. But this warden obstructed him, resorted to slandering him and even attempting to arrest him.

This isn't something a mere warden would do unless... there was someone behind him.

"I... I... I..." Jeff laid face flat on the ground, shuddering all over with extreme fear at the thought of death.

There was this feeling that told him it was over for him and he had no more strength. But he managed to stutter, "It... was..."

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