All Chapters of The Legendary King Of War Returns : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
84 chapters
0001: The King Of War Is Back
Abandoned Pineview Hall in Valoria Prime City:A tall figure with a chiseled face which had such a cold expression like ice stood in front of an unkempt, nameless tombstone. His black trench coat was being ruffled by the wind.His eyes were hard and dark as he crouched and gently dusted off the sand particles on the tombstone."A criminal like him doesn't deserve to live!""Kill him!""Break his legs!"The hollow voices of his ex-wife's family echoed in his mind. Five years ago, Kian Blackwood was an important figure in the entire Valoria country.At the age of twenty, he already had a net worth of several billions. Everyone wanted to curry favor with him. He was also set to marry the top socialite, Olivia Sinclair.She was the heiress of Sinclair's family, a rich, century-old family. The announcement of their marriage arrangement shook the city and everyone anticipated the greatest occasion.But the Sinclair's family had other intentions. They secretly plotted against Kian. During th
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0002: Promises Of Death
The magnificent building of a glamorous five-star hotel stood tall amongst the city skylines proudly. Tonight, it seems to be bustling with activities as people are entering and leaving every minute.There was also a spectacular lineup of different brands of expensive cars outside the hotel. Sinclair's family has reserved the entire hotel for a special occasion tonight.They have also invited guests from all over as their eldest and most beloved daughter, Olivia Sinclair was getting married again.There were different airships hovering over the building carrying a banner that could be seen from miles away: "Wishing Miss Olivia Sinclair and Mr Alexander Gray a lifetime of love and happiness."Socialites and celebrities were gathered around the lobby of the hotel talking, toasting and laughing happily. The atmosphere was quite lively and lovely."Now that the Sinclair's family and Gray's family are going to merge as one. They will be unstoppable and completely rule over our Valoria Prim
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0003: The Revelation
In Valoria Prime city, Gray's family was one of the top two leading families. Over the years, their connections and wealth had accrued so immensely they now had a nearly unshakable influence.So even if anything happens to Kian now, no one will hold them to it. And since Kian dared to cause trouble at Alexander's wedding, he definitely won't let him off."Your family has created such a grand scene today," Kian effortlessly waved his fingers at the well decorated hall. "But unfortunately, you are still not worthy enough to be by Olivia's side.""Tsk," Alex shook his head and looked at him like he was looking at the greatest fool in the world. He turned around and walked back to the stage proudly."You are so ignorant that you don't know during your absence, my family has gradually grown more powerful in Valoria Prime. We are akin to a god now and you..."He turned to Kian and pointed at him arrogantly, "—you are just a lowlife! A wretched criminal! It is only right that you bow to me!"
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0004: Shocking Discovery
Kian took long strides towards the Bentley Continental GT that was parked outside the hotel.In a profound voice, he asked, "What happened?""Sir, my men have found the whereabouts of that lady," Wesley began to report to him carefully. "Her name is Savannah Winslow. She is the daughter of a third-class family in Valoria Prime."'Savannah?' Kian repeated inwardly. He couldn't remember much about the lady from that night as he had never met her before until that unfortunate day."After that incident," Wesley continued. "The Winslow family were afraid of being implicated so they disowned Savannah's family and removed them from the family lineage.""Not long after, her father was accused of a misfortune that happened at the family's company and claimed the lives of some employees. He is in prison now and her mother could only make ends meet by selling groceries at the local market.""Miss Savannah herself is now a music teacher at a local school. But just now, her son was abducted from s
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0005: Get Lost!
The next second, Kian walked in and his aura was so overwhelming, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a sense of fear and he took a few steps back."W—who are you?" He stuttered but no one responded.Kian's eyes fell on the little boy in the cage who was still stunned and frightened.His heart trembled again. The eyes... The hair... The face... The boy looked as if they had been made from the same mold. He looked just like his younger self!Kian didn't need a soothsayer to tell him the boy was his. But when his eyes trailed to the fingerprints on the red spot on his cheek, his eyes shook coldly.He quickly went to the edge of the dog cage, fiddled with the lock and opened it. Then he stretched a palm and spoke in a soft tone he has never used before,"Come... No one will hurt you. I'm here now."Maybe because Noah felt that although this man had a hard facial expression, he didn't look as cruel as that old geezer over there, so he took the palm and let Kian lead him out.Wesley, who was
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0006: Visiting The Prison
Kian watched Savannah turn away and walked off with his son. His fingers clenched by his side as he realized he had classified things as too simple. The suffering and humiliation she endured because of him couldn't be changed by his own will. And the so-called compensation he offered just now was his own way of seeking peace of mind. If he didn't already have a son with her, it would be fine. But now, everything was too complicated. He got into his car and pondered on what to do. Then he took out a card from his pocket and handed it over to Wesley. "Find a way to give this card to Savannah and make sure she accepts it." "Yes sir," Wesley nodded and left the car promptly. He collected the car key and drove all alone to the capital prison in Valoria Prime city. If he wants to seek Savannah's forgiveness, he has to start with her parents. Her father had been framed because he had lost the protection of the Wilson's family. Saving him now might be a turning point. As soon as he got
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0007: Death Penalty
Kian's face changed slightly and he shook his head at them coldly. "No one dares to point a gun at me in this country. Not even you. You won't be able to bear the consequences of your actions!"He has fought tirelessly for the peace of this country for five years and now he is being held at gunpoint in his own hometown. How ironic!"Who do you think you are to act so recklessly in prison? I have never seen anyone as arrogant and ignorant as you are," Jeff sneered. "Daring to threaten me with consequences? You really have a big ego!"He raised two fingers at Kian and went on to say, "Attempting to break into the prison and assaulting an officer, these two charges will get you killed. You worthless piece of waste, get him!"The two guards took out handcuffs and charged towards Kian, ready to apprehend him. The latter's eyes darkened with anger and he was just about to take action when—VROOM!A luxurious car with an official license plate drove in at a great speed. It came to a stop bes
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0008: He'll Destroy Them
"It... was... Anthony, the second son of the Gray's family."Jeff suddenly thought mentioning Anthony Gray's name would save him. After all, the family was a force to be reckoned with.Who would have expected Kian would flare up with a strong murderous intent, "Gray's family? I intended to give you all time but you keep digging your graves!"SPLAT!His foot rose and he stomped on Jeff's head viciously. A crack sound resonated as Jeff's skull was crushed by the foot. Blood and brain parts splattered all over.At that moment, Cody's soul left his body in horror. He has heard tales of the King of War's fury but has never witnessed it till today.This person, Nathaniel Wilson, must be very important to him. He gulped in fear and took a few steps backwards.He finally understands why some people call Kian a tyrant.__________Kian's cold expression finally dissipated as he watched Nathaniel being wheeled into the operating theater. His body was in a terrible state and the doctor had to per
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0009: Mummy, I'm Scared
"It has nothing to do with you," Savannah responded tautly. Her face was cold with anger and she wanted nothing more for the line to move quickly so she could get out of that place.Margaret chuckled slyly and twirled some hair strands between her fingers. "I am the bank manager. How can it have nothing to do with me?""And I'll tell you this. People like you have no right to be here. You have no money yet you still stand in line and delay other important customers. I have the right to kick you out! Besides, everyone knows you were raped."Savannah's chest heaved with anger as she covered Noah's ears. How can this stupid woman have no regard for a child and still say such vulgar words? That too in the public!Margaret noticed her actions and rolled her eyes. With a false smile, she raised her tone, "I am only being concerned as an old coursemate. Why don't you know how to appreciate good people?"Savannah's face turned pale. That topic was a sore wound in her heart that has never heal
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0010: Who Hit Them?
All eyes turned to the entrance immediately. At the same time, a sharp and piercing sound resounded in the air.PLOP!"Argh!" the security guards let out heart-wrenching screams as two ballpoint pens pierced their hands accurately and blood oozed out. They staggered back instantly.Amidst the shocked gaze of the crowd, Kian walked in."Who is he?""He looks quite familiar.""Wait!" Someone shouted. "Isn't he the same man that was involved in that sex scandal with Savannah?""Yes, that's him. Why is he here?""I even attended his wedding banquet with the Sinclair's daughter," someone whispered amongst the crowd."Uncle..." The little boy shrank in his mother's arms and sobbed out.Kian felt a tinge of pain in his heart and tried to comfort him, "Don't cry... I'm here now. I'll—""Why are you here?" Savannah glared at him, trembling with anger.She wants to live the rest of her life with dignity especially in front of this man that ruined her life. But this bastard always somehow manage
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