0003: The Revelation

In Valoria Prime city, Gray's family was one of the top two leading families. Over the years, their connections and wealth had accrued so immensely they now had a nearly unshakable influence.

So even if anything happens to Kian now, no one will hold them to it. And since Kian dared to cause trouble at Alexander's wedding, he definitely won't let him off.

"Your family has created such a grand scene today," Kian effortlessly waved his fingers at the well decorated hall. "But unfortunately, you are still not worthy enough to be by Olivia's side."

"Tsk," Alex shook his head and looked at him like he was looking at the greatest fool in the world. He turned around and walked back to the stage proudly.

"You are so ignorant that you don't know during your absence, my family has gradually grown more powerful in Valoria Prime. We are akin to a god now and you..."

He turned to Kian and pointed at him arrogantly, "—you are just a lowlife! A wretched criminal! It is only right that you bow to me!"

Kian's lips curved in a wider lop-sided smile and he didn't look fazed by Alexander's words. This greatly irked the latter and he went on to say,

"Do you know how miserable your parents were before they died? I had people decapitate them in order to save space at the cemetery. I even had them erect those tombstones even though they didn't deserve them. I have pictures of everything. Do you want to see?"

He was oblivious to the dark aura that suddenly descended the hall as he walked back to Kian while speaking.

"If you listen to me and kowtow in front of me, maybe—"


Alexander only saw a flash as Kian suddenly charged at him with a frightening speed and slapped him so hard in the face that some of his teeth fell out.

His body couldn't take the sudden hit and he collapsed to the ground. A part of his face was swollen instantly and he was shocked.

But when he tried to get up, a horrifying force pressed his head down on the tiles and he fell back to the ground with a thud.

"Down on your knees!"

Cracks appeared on the hard tiles as the bone chilling sound of bones dislocating reverberated in the hall.

The pain caused Alex's face to turn pale and sweat covered his forehead immediately. He began to tremble but was unable to speak.

Everyone present was horrified at this sight. They all looked at Kian as if they were looking at a demon.

They couldn't believe he would dare to lay his hand on Alex who is the first son of the Grays in public. Not only that, he also made him kneel! He was so ruthless and arrogant!


Seeing this scene, Olivia's expression changed and she flared up.

"Do you know who Alexander is? He is the first son and the heir of the Grays! They won't let you go unscathed. If I were you, I would be running out of this place immediately to somewhere as far as possible."

Kian swept his cold gaze over her and spat out without remorse, "Gray's family? In my eyes, they are nothing!"

The guests were shocked once again by his reckless attitude.

"Five years ago, you conspired with the Grays to rob my family of our possession. You framed me, broke my legs and even dared to hurt my family. Did you ever think of today?"

The guests gasped in shock at his words but his gaze on Olivia remained unwavering.

"Since the Grays were involved, they are bound to disappear from Valoria Prime and Alex—is just a small interest I'm collecting."

Every one of his words was heavy and heart-wrenching. The guests gasped again.

Although the annihilation of Blackwood's family wasn't a secret amongst the upper class, it was still not a topic that could be spoken about openly.

Secondly, many of the upper class only heard the rumors and didn't know the full details. But now that Kian dared to reveal it audaciously, the impact of the revelation was unimaginable.

Olivia's disguise was shattered by his straightforward words. She almost couldn't find words to say but when she did, she gritted her teeth.

"Since you already know, I have nothing left to say but let go of Alex immediately or you will suffer the same fate as your parents and you won't even have a tombstone in your name!"

"You are asking for death!" Kian retorted in an imposing manner. The killing intent was fierce on his face. He was like someone who was looking down on the world and was daring to challenge anyone.

Just then, a sturdy figure rushed into the hall. It was Wesley. His face was full of anxiety as he rushed to Kian's side and whispered to him,

"General, the lady you asked me to investigate... Something has happened to her."

Kian's expression changed slightly and his coldness dissipated a little. He held Olivia's gaze.

"I won't kill you today. On the next death anniversary of my parents, I want to see your Sinclair's family and his Gray's family groveling in front of their tombstones and apologizing for their sins."

Olivia suddenly felt a coldness seep in her body as he spoke but she struggled to maintain her composure.

"I will let you live but for the remaining weeks left till the anniversary, you all will suffer greatly. I want you to try and exhaust all the connections you have to save yourselves. I won't use your blood to write inscriptions on their tombstones until you have repented of your crimes!"

Olivia was speechless and couldn't find words to refute him. After speaking, he simply turned around and left.

Alex could no longer hold on. He gave way and fell unconscious, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

The hall was as silent as a graveyard. No one dared to stop Kian as everyone was still shocked by the scene that unfolded.

This person has either gone crazy or is a god! How can he challenge the two top families of Valoria Prime city with his own strength?

Olivia tore off her wedding veil angrily. The wedding could no longer proceed as the groom had been beaten up badly and was unconscious.

She gestured to someone to carry Alex away and dispersed the guests. With a murderous expression, she swore,

"Kian, you had an easy route to heaven but you didn't take it. Since you dare to come back this time seeking for your death, I'll be damned to give you another chance to live!"

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