0002: Promises Of Death

The magnificent building of a glamorous five-star hotel stood tall amongst the city skylines proudly. Tonight, it seems to be bustling with activities as people are entering and leaving every minute.

There was also a spectacular lineup of different brands of expensive cars outside the hotel. Sinclair's family has reserved the entire hotel for a special occasion tonight.

They have also invited guests from all over as their eldest and most beloved daughter, Olivia Sinclair was getting married again.

There were different airships hovering over the building carrying a banner that could be seen from miles away: "Wishing Miss Olivia Sinclair and Mr Alexander Gray a lifetime of love and happiness."

Socialites and celebrities were gathered around the lobby of the hotel talking, toasting and laughing happily. The atmosphere was quite lively and lovely.

"Now that the Sinclair's family and Gray's family are going to merge as one. They will be unstoppable and completely rule over our Valoria Prime city."

"Yes... Yes... Yes... At this point, it is best to curry favors with them and not get on their bad side. I presume their enemies will have no good ending later."

"Speaking of this reminds me of the Blackwood's family. They rose to fame years ago without any background and tried to overtake Sinclair's family which is a hundred years old with deep-rooted influence. How ridiculous of them to have thought they could succeed!"

"But in the end, they all died miserably and everything they owned became Miss Olivia's."

"And now everything will only belong to the Gray's family after this marriage is finalized."

"Shh... Lower your voice. You will get not only yourself but everyone else into trouble."

The socialites who knew the true inside story of what happened that night whispered amongst themselves with mixed reactions.

After all, it wasn't a secret. It was just that no one dared to speak about it openly because of the power the Sinclair's family possessed.

"Everyone, look! The soon to be couple are coming out!" Someone shouted and everyone's attention turned to the entrance.

The hall quietened as Olivia who was dressed in a beautiful studded wedding dress which complemented her fair and delicate skin appeared. There was a handsome, young man by her side with an arrogant expression.

He was Alexander Gray and as soon as they walked in, everyone began to gush happily.

"A beautiful bride and a handsome groom. What better match could there be than this?"

"They are truly a match made in heaven."

"Olivia is so beautiful up close. She really deserves her title."

"Alex isn't looking bad either. No wonder he's amongst the top on the list of the most eligible bachelors in the city."

"But he won't be a bachelor for long."

Olivia's smile grew wide when she heard everything they were saying. She clasped Alex's arms tightly as they walked forward.

Amidst the happy atmosphere, a cold and calm voice suddenly spoke out, "I really commend someone who is willing to accept a lady whose previous husband encountered misfortune on their wedding night. Aren't you afraid the same fate will befall you, Alexander Gray?"

The voice wasn't loud but was audible enough to drown out the noise and reach the ears of Alex and Olivia.

"Silence!" Alex went berserk and yelled at the crowd. His originally handsome face distorted with anger.

A hush fell upon the hall as the crowd were in shock. Who dared to cause trouble at such a high-end place? They all turned to the direction the voice had come from.

Behind the crowd, Kian was staring at the couple with a sharp gaze. His hands were linked behind his coat and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly turned colder as if a few degrees of temperature had dropped.

They were all so shocked that some even shuddered and those standing close to him took a few steps back. Who is this young man? Why does he have such a powerful aura?

"Kian?" Alexander recognized him and exclaimed in shock. "Weren't you executed years ago? How can you still stand before me?"

Back then, his family had spent a lot of resources and pulled some strings to have Kian sentenced to death. How did he survive? Why did he never know about this until now?

Olivia was also shocked. Even with the heavy makeup on her face, the paleness was quite visible.

But it was only for a minute before she quickly regained her composure and called out softly, "I didn't expect you to still be alive, Kian. Where have you been all these years? Why didn't you bother to contact me? Do you know how worried I have been and how I have cried myself to sleep every night?"

She even reached for a tissue to dab at her face and wipe off nonexistent tears.

Kian smiled coldly and his expression turned darker. If he didn't already know Olivia's true colors, he might have believed her. Who was she trying to fool?

Did she forget how she stood by that day and watched her father ruthlessly order people to break his legs?

Yes, their marriage was an arranged one but at that time, he had thought if she was just willing to plead to remain with him, he would find a way to sort out his troubles and get out of the prison.

But she just stood by and watched him suffer. Since she wants to play, two can play the game.

"Why then are you getting married again? Is your faith in me so fickle? Besides, I am back now. You don't have to marry that clown."

Olivia's smile froze. How can Kian be so foolish? How could he blatantly insult Alexander in front of everyone? Does he know tides have changed in the city during his absence?

"What did you just say?" Alex was enraged. He pointed a finger and stomped a foot on the stage in anger. "You pathetic rapist! You are nothing but a waste and you think you are worthy of being by Olivia's side."

Kian's fingers clenched by his side but no change was observed on his expression.

"Five years ago, you were at least a nouveau riche. Now, you are not even fit to be amongst the beggars in the slums. How dare you compare yourself to me? Kneel down and apologize right away!"

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