0005: Get Lost!

The next second, Kian walked in and his aura was so overwhelming, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a sense of fear and he took a few steps back.

"W—who are you?" He stuttered but no one responded.

Kian's eyes fell on the little boy in the cage who was still stunned and frightened.

His heart trembled again. The eyes... The hair... The face... The boy looked as if they had been made from the same mold. He looked just like his younger self!

Kian didn't need a soothsayer to tell him the boy was his. But when his eyes trailed to the fingerprints on the red spot on his cheek, his eyes shook coldly.

He quickly went to the edge of the dog cage, fiddled with the lock and opened it. Then he stretched a palm and spoke in a soft tone he has never used before,

"Come... No one will hurt you. I'm here now."

Maybe because Noah felt that although this man had a hard facial expression, he didn't look as cruel as that old geezer over there, so he took the palm and let Kian lead him out.

Wesley, who was still holding the blood stained knife, went to the middle-aged man and asked him coldly, "Did you hit him?"

"You... What do you want to do? Do you know who I am?" The man was terrified and immediately yelled. He retreated subconsciously but still threatened,

"I am the godson of the Montgomery's family. If you dare lay a finger on me, my godfather will wipe out your entire family! I'm giving you a chance to leave now. Otherwise, you won't be able to walk away later!"

Felix has nursed a desire for Savannah for a long time knowing she has no money or background. Even if she still had the power of the Wilson's family, they would still have to be humble before his godfather who was the current leader of the underworld.

So these two cannot be Savannah's people. And the death of his bodyguard could be retaliated later as long as they take the bait.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, Wesley slapped him hard across the face. His face contorted in pain as he was sent flying towards a nearby sofa.

One side of his face was immediately swollen and he howled in pain. Seeing this, Kian covered the eyes of the little boy and instructed Wesley coldly,

"Finish him off."

"No! No! No! I won't bother that bitch again. Please spare me! I have a lot of money!" Felix cried out as he left but Wesley was unmoved and already walked up to him.

"People like you don't deserve to be forgiven."

Before Felix could comprehend his words, he lifted his hand and directly stabbed his crotch. Felix's eyes bulged out in pain and he screamed. His body convulsed at the agony.

He knew at that moment that he was never going to be able to perform as a man again. In that excruciating pain, he passed out.


On the streets, Savannah was in a disheveled state. She was sweating and staggering. Her eyes were red with tears and her hair was all over the place.

As soon as she heard her son had gone missing from school, she went to the station and reported. But the cops stopped the investigation saying foolishly that her son hasn't been missing for twenty four hours and might have wandered off to play.

She was already used to such a situation so she impatiently left and resolved to search for her son by herself.

For years, she has only had Noah. If anything bad happens to him, she won't be able to die peacefully.


Her steps halted when a Bentley stopped by her side. The door opened and Kian, who was carrying Noah, came out. Their eyes collided.

"Mommy!" Noah cried out joyfully and reached for her but she was oblivious to his actions.

She was staring at Kian with a strong hatred that would make one wonder why he hasn't dropped dead under her deadly gaze.

"It's you! You bastard!"

She snapped back to reality and snatched her son away from his hands. She stepped back like she couldn't bear to breathe the same air as him and tears streamed down her face angrily.

"Five years ago, you publicly humiliated me and ruined my life. Now you want to take my son away from me. How evil can you be!"

If it wasn't for this man in front of her, her future would have been bright and her life would have turned out differently. She hates him so much and wishes she could kill him with her own hands.

She only controlled her resentment because of her son but now seeing him again brought back all those painful memories.

"I'm sorry," Kian told her quietly. He felt guilty for what he had done to Savannah five years ago. If it wasn't for him, she would just be another stranger, pursuing her dreams.

But instead, she had to raise their son all alone.

"Shut up!" Savannah snapped and trembled with anger. "How dare you apologize now? If it wasn't because of you, my life wouldn't have been ruined now. My father wouldn't have been framed and sent to prison. Do you think saying sorry can fix all you have done?"

"Don't think of getting close to my son. If you dare lay your hands on him, I swear even if I become a ghost, I won't let you off."

Kian was stunned at the hostility in her voice. He only wants to make things right but she obviously doesn't want to give him a chance to do so.

Just then, the boy who had been clinging to his mother's neck suddenly whispered to her, "Mommy, it wasn't this uncle that took me away. He saved me from those bad guys..."

Savannah was taken aback by his words. She suddenly felt helpless and shattered. Because of this man, she has been abandoned by her family. But now hearing her son even speak up for him, she felt like she had been abandoned by the whole world.

She burst into tears again and Noah was scared. He didn't understand how he had upset his mother but he hugged her tightly and tried to comfort her.

"Mommy, I'm sorry. I won't make you angry again next time."

Looking at this scene, Kian knew even if he wanted to tell the boy that he was his father, he couldn't do so recklessly without resolving Savannah's grievances and anger towards him.

"Can you give me a chance to make it up to you? I came back this time to apologize for what happened that night."

"Make it up to me?" Savannah flared up. "Who do you think you are? Get lost! I don't want to ever see you again!"

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