0024: Accommodate A Freeloader
Savannah walked into the room and emerged with an old blanket and a pillow. "You can sleep here," She told Kian as she dropped them on the floor.

Just then, Ida walked out. Her eyes flashed with hatred when she saw Kian and she hissed.

"The house is already so cramped and now we have to accommodate a freeloader. Is it me or does the sitting room seem even smaller now?"

Kian rubbed his nose awkwardly, knowing she was referring to him as the 'freeloader'. "Mom," Savannah called out in a warning tone.

Ida rolled her eyes, feeling more pissed with the entire situation the more she thought of it but her husband already decided. He was quite stubborn; once he decided on something, nothing or no one could change his mind.

Her husband and her daughter may have accepted this dirtbag but she will never accept him. So she treated Kian like he was invisible and went directly to Savannah, "Your uncle, Douglas, just called."

A frown appeared on Savannah's face. "What did he say?"

"He a
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