• A Familiar Voice

Ethan cried out as he watched Lucy go down with Cyrus. He tried to leap forward to catch her, but he was too late, she had already fallen.

For a moment he was frozen, unsure of how to react. He felt numb, and then soon self-guilt began to eat him up.

How could he stand there and let this happen? An almost deafening silence settled upon everyone that was around the vicinity. Nobody had expected this to happen.

Just when everybody had given up hope they heard a grunt coming from the edge of the cliff. An arm suddenly popped into their vision as it gripped the plants that were growing by the edge.

Lucy hadn't fallen off the cliff, she managed to grab onto something while falling and she was dangling.

Ethan immediately rushed forward and grabbed her hand, then pulled her up. “Thank goodness you're alive,” she said when she was standing on her own two feet.

“I managed to grab onto a strong tree root protruding from the edge of the cliff, if it wasn't for that I'd have fallen and probably
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