• The Beacon Construction

Valerie and Ethan were standing in the waiting room dressed in their disguises. Valerie was wearing a nurse's uniform and Ethan was wearing scrubs.

Ethan shook his head. “This is ridiculous,” he remarked.

“It's the perfect way to get you out back without the reporters seeing you two and swarming over you like bees that just found honey,” Natasha said.

“Is the car ready?” Keith asked.

Natasha nodded. They all made their way out. Keith was the only one that was supposed to come out through the front, to distract the reporters.

He wouldn't answer any of their questions but only deflect them to the legion commander.

Keith stepped out through the front and just as anticipated, all the mics and camera instantly pointed his way.

They didn't even give him time to fully step through the door before they started bombarding him with questions.

“Is it true that the legion commander has been rescued?”

“Is it true that there was an air raid?”

“There's rumors that some dreadlands soldiers we
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