• Officially A Student

They were back at home now and Ethan wanted to get to the root of the matter. These people couldn't have just started protesting for no reason.

Natasha who had been held up in the mob finally showed up, she made her way through the front door and into the house.

“Natasha you're here, finally,” Valerie said, sounding relieved.

“The car was bullet proof, we were safe. The only problem was that they almost didn't allow us to move, it took a lot of honking and almost running over people before we could finally get out of that place.” She rolled her eyes, evidently stressed out.

Skyler suddenly walked into the sitting room, “you guys may want to see this,” she said, holding her laptop.

She placed it on the table and then increased the screen brightness. They all huddled around it, eager to see what she was trying to show them.

It was the effects of all the activity, from the cement company that was blasting the rocks from the mountains to get limestone.

Continuous explosive activities
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