• Exception To The Rule

Adrenaline surged through Ethan when he heard those words. His identity had been blown. He sprung to his feet, landing a powerful punch against the officer's nose.

A sickening crunch indicating that his nose was broken sounded.

The other three officers in the background immediately took to defense and charged at Ethan.

However his military training surpassed their police training and he was able to weave and dodge most of the attacks, remaining untouched.

He kicked one of them in the torso, sending him flying off the ground as his back slammed against the door.

The few people that were in this coach gasped in surprise, grabbing their personal items and scrambling away.

Ethan grabbed one of the officers heads and hurled him against the inner walls of the train, knocking him into an unconscious state.

“You're going to regret this,” one of the men said, reaching for his gun. Before he could fully pull out the gun, Ethan had lunged forward, his knee colliding with his opponent's ri
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