• Lord Cyrus

Ethan was tied against a pole, his hands were tied up in a very comfortable manner.

The leader of the group, Lord Cyrus stepped out again, with a cigarette in his hand.

"Ah...what a pleasant day. Isn't it, Ethan Vanguard?" He asked in his posh accent.

Ethan didn't respond to his question.

"Oh, now you won't answer me." Lord Cyrus stated and laughed.

"Make the knots even tighter." He ordered.

Two of his soldiers came forward with an extra metallic rope. They tied Ethan's hands with it, tearing his skin as they did.

"Arghhh." Ethan groaned as blood trickled down his body.

Lord Cyrus walked to Ethan's front and held his jaw.

"How I wish the people of Armoria could see their legion commander right now, weak and almost lifeless in my arms." He sneered.

Ethan spat on his face in response. Lord Cyrus frowned and banged Ethan's head against the pole.

"How dare you?!" He fumed.

"Your mouth stinks." Ethan responded.

Lord Cyrus's eyes narrowed, he looked at some of his soldiers standing a few
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