• Things Get Tense

Elizabeth and Valerie had been unable to eat or even sleep since the previous day. The whole of Newcrest City had a gloomy look as they feared that they had lost their legion commander.

Skyler walked around the kitchen trying to prepare a meal for Elizabeth and Valerie to eat. Both of them had finally fallen into a restless sleep after staying awake throughout the whole night.

Skyler was almost done cooking when Elizabeth walked into the kitchen, startling her. She gasped with her hands on her chest.

"Mother, you frightened me. You are supposed to be sleeping." She stated.

"How can I sleep peacefully when my son is out there calling for me?" Elizabeth asked.

"Mother, relax. We all are worried about Ethan. Try to get some sleep please." Skyler begged, her eyes became teary again and her lashes wet as she tried to blink back the tears.

"He could be somewhere in the enemies den. If they wanted a ransom, why can't they just call us and make their request? If they would take me in exchange
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