• Skyler's Terror

Skyler was shocked by the fact that the doors were locked. It meant that somebody had locked it from outside. She rushed to the door and slammed her hands against it repeatedly.

“Hey, let me out of here!” She yelled at the top of her voice. She wrapped her fingers around the door knob, pulling relentlessly. “I said let me out!”

Through the rectangular space on the door which was to serve as some sort of eye hole, she caught a glimpse of Amy standing outside with an evil smirk on her face.

Amy waved her hands at her to intentionally make mockery of her situation. “Sleep tight princess,” she said.

Sleep tight? What the hell did Amy mean? She thought to herself.

Without hesitation, she dipped her hands into her pocket and retrieved her phone, just as she was about to dial Irene's number the room around her began to spin.

That was when she noticed it. Incense burners planted on each corner of the room and they were all lit. The more she inhaled the more the effect of whatever was i
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