• Still In Chelmen

Valerie cracked her eyes open and found herself in a strange room. Her wrist was handcuffed to the frame of the bed and she seemed to be lying on a king size bed.

There was a red duvet all over the place and the room was empty, littered with portraits of artwork and

She swirled her head around, trying to figure out where she was. The door ache in her head was still resonating and she twisted her face in a small frown.

“Hello?” Her voice broke out. She quickly realized that there was nobody in the room with her. She pulled against the handcuffs but they were properly secure and would not budge.

It binded her right arm to the bed frame while the rest of her body was free. She adjusted, moving around and trying to turn and twist to free herself but it only gave her bruises on her wrist.

However she was relentless, she continued to pull yanking against the handcuffs. “Hello? Is anybody there?! Let me out!” She cried.

After a couple minutes of struggling, she eventually settled on th
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