Chapter 29

“I need you to call honourable Brown.

Invite him to the hospital.

You could say I need to talk to him about his son’s health.”

Gill told Monica.

Book an appointment with him.

Be sure to present him with coffee,tea or water,anything I need him to take something with a cup.

We need his saliva for a paternity test.”

Monica was surprised at the statement.

“Why do you think he is not Richard’s father?”

She asked.

“It says here in the file that he is the father.

Don’t you think this is a deviation from what we are supposed to be doing sir.

Besides, what does it have to do with anything?”

Monica continued.

“Do what o told you to do Monica”

Gill instructed her.

Okay sir I will.

Monica made the call.

Honourable brown heard it was about his son and decided to be on his way to the hospital immediately.

There was no time to waste he said.

If anything had to be signed off,he would be at the hospital in 30 mins time to do that.

Monica told her boss the honourable minister was on hos way to the hosp
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