009 - Second Chance

The alert system keeps appearing, showing how dire his situation currently is.



[Your HP has reached 3% and keeps decreasing]

[Your Vitality has reached 10% and continues to decline]

- When your HP reaches 1%, you won't be able to move.

- When your Vitality reaches 5%, your base HP regeneration rate will turn to 0 and your body will stop healing by itself.


“Shut up!” he mumbles.

And suddenly, they fall not too far from the portal. Azzim tries his best to crawl while dragging Leia along with him. But he becomes increasingly pessimistic about his chance of getting out of that place alive.

“Leia, wake up. I can't drag you around like this,” Azzim cries, patting Leia's cheek again.

Leia opens her eyes once more, though not fully conscious.

“Then, just leave me here,” she replies with a weak voice.

But then, she closes her eyes again. Azzim starts to growl, slamming his hands on the floor. He is so angry and desperate, because the portal is
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