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What is it Cam?” Roman asked, looking at his frozen face in concern.“It’s from work, I just got paid and this is just too much.” Cameron said, looking back at the screen of his phone unbelievingly.“It’s that bad huh? I’m sorry man.” he sympathized.“That is the problem, this is about a hundred times my usual pay, something is very very wrong. I think the accounting department made a mistake.” Cameron said feeling astonished.“What?!” Roman exclaimed then grabbed his phone. “Give me that let me see.”Cameron watched as Roman’s eyes widened as he looked at screen then up at him.“No way! I thought they were going to dock your pay, what happened? Did you get a raise or something?” He asked in confusion.“No, it must have been a mistake from work, when I go in tomorrow I will report it and have them fix the problem promptly.” Cameron shrugged.“What? No way!” Roman protested vehemently and Cameron looked up in surprise at the aggression in his voice.“What do you mean? You are not sugge
The Lost Billionaire Heir Crashing
TW; this chapter has tones of self harm.A Week Later*knock knock*Cameron decided to stop at Roman’s room on his way to work, he thought to ask about the money since it had been a whole week since he had given him the money and he had not heard anything about it’s progress so knocked till he opened up the door.“I just wanted to ask how far along your friend has gone with the earnings from the bid? I am feeling pretty uneasy at work and you said in less than a week, it’s been a week now.” Cameron said when Roman came out of the room looking tousled. “Oh my bad, so sorry about that Cam, Alan wanted to wait till the very peak bidding time but he is going to let us know about our winnings by the end of today. I literally just spoke to him on the phone.” Roman said and Cameron let out the breath he had been holding in relief.“Yesss!!” He said, punching the air in victory when he got out of the building.He had been sitting on pins the whole week and going in to work had felt like tortu
The Lost Billionaire Heir The Beating
“Is that you Roman?” Cameron yelled hopefully and he scrambled to his feet then wrenched the door open but his heart sank to the bottom of belly in disappointment.He took a step back as his landlord who was flanked by two stocky men that looked like they stood in front of night clubs for a living waited in front of the apartment.“Mr Sam, oh it is just you.” Cameron said tiredly and turned away from the door while he followed him in.When he had heard banging on the door he had desperately clung to the glimmer of hope that Roman was back, that he had just had a really extreme and needless reaction and everything would be fine but to his extreme disappointment it was just the landlord. As he walked in behind him and wondered why Mr Sam was here and so early in the morning too.“Is there a problem?” Cameron asked, unable to summon enough energy to deal with anything that did not involve getting back Trent’s money.“Is there a problem?” Mr Sam echoed before he turned around and looked at
The Lost Billionaire Heir Betrayal
Cameron declared It was a dream and rubbed his eyes and peered at the scene in the distance. It had to be only a stupid dream, he was sleeping and soon his annoying alarm would ring loudly and he would wake up from this horror shitshow. However, as he took a shaky step forward and the ache in my joints burned and told him that no dream could house this sort of physical pain but he refused to accept that because doing that would mean accepting that he had just seen his best friend kissing his girlfriend and getting into a car that was most likely bought with his own money.Of all of the things that Roman had done this was by far the most heartbreaking of the lot. Roman knew exactly how much Lilia meant to Cameron but he had gone ahead to deceive her, who knew what story he must have told her to make her believe him and even kiss him. There was no way that he was going to let Roman get away with all these transgressions, this was the last straw. Maybe he could go to the police station
The Lost Billionaire Heir Revelation
Cameron woke up in a brightly lit room which was painted a stark white, as he tried to take a look around the room to know where he was a stabbing pain went through his head and he gave up and shortly after a door opened then footsteps came towards the bed.“I see you’ve woken up now.” A firm voice said before a balding man in a lab coat came in his line of vision.“How are you feeling now?” He asked.“Head.” he muttered with a cotton mouth.“That is right, you suffered a concussion when you jumped out of the way of a moving truck. You also got a sprained wrist. You are very lucky that those were the only injuries you got.” He continued while looking at a chart he held.“You need to rest and then a nurse will be here to get your details, there was no form of identification on your person when we found you also there is the matter of payment.” He said when he was done taking my vitals and he left him alone.Cameron knew that he could not be there when the nurse got back, he did not have
The Lost Billionaire Heir Family
“Why are have we even been summoned by her majesty? We have been sitting here for close to an hour and I really don’t have time to sit around doing nothing.” Lenore pouted looking up from her phone.“What? Don’t tell me you have a big emergency to deal with at the mall.” Troy said mockingly and rolled his eyes impatiently.Lenore stared darkly at him and turned away from him to her mother.“Mother, what do you think the old bat wants to tell us now?”“Maybe she is ready to shuffle off this mortal coil and give us some peace.” Troy said snidely.“Maybe she will stop hoarding the family wealth and let us enjoy it properly at last, stingy cow.” Lenore chuckled deviously.“Don’t speak that way about your grandmother, that is disrespectful.” Mark Kai said softly.Lenore, Troy and their mother glanced at each other and then simultaneously burst into uproarious laughter.“Nobody cares about what you have to say Mark so just shut it.” Elvira said scornfully and crossed her elegant stockings cl
The Lost Billionaire Heir Plotting
The whole family trooped out of the house after their mother’s loud outburst. The ride back to their house was terse and awkward and no one spoke throughout the entire trip, they were all lost in their individual thoughts and fortunately father had the foresight to not try to be chirpy. Troy looked at the sullen and contemplative faces of the people around him which he was sure mirrored his own feelings and most likely his own face too. It was really hard to wrap his head around this new information and it felt like he had been hit with a brick.He took a quick glance at his mom, she was sitting erect, face forward with her jaw clenched so hard that he was afraid that she would get lock jaw. He knew better than to say a word though, when she was ready she would eventually talk to them. He knew that look well enough to know that she was brainstorming and trying to figure out how to solve her problem and he knew her enough to know that she would find a solution soon enough even though
The Lost Billionaire Heir Night Out
“Troy, what are you doing here sweetie. Are you alone? Where is everyone?” Maggie asked as she looked behind Troy's back hopefully.“I’m sorry grandma, I’m the only one that came here today.” he answered.“Oh…” she said sadly and he could hear the disappointment in her voice, she had probably hoped that the rest of the family would come to appologize.“What would you like dear, let me ask William to get something for you to drink or eat.” She turned and gestured towards her butler who stood behind her and he hurried to stop her.“Oh no need for that gramps, I came here to apologize for my behavior last night.” Troy said, looking like a remorseful puppy.His grandma’s face lightened up and she reached out and pinched his cheeks, he always hated that but he could never tell her how annoying it was so he smiled while thinking that the plan was going to go very well according to our plans, it was like taking candy from a child. she did not even suspect.“All of us did not behave very well
Latest Chapter
When Cameron drove into the house I noticed a silver convertible Bentley sitting in front of the house. He wondered who had come to visit them this time, he was very reluctant to see one of his relatives.Knowing that he could not avoid it he braced himself and went into the house and as he passed the family room hoping that he could slip by and get into his room. At this point he would start looking for his own apartment but he knew his grandmother would not hear of that.“Cameron, is that you?” His grandmother called out and he sighed. So close.He veered away from the door that was right in front of him which led to freedom and went into the room where the voice had come from and walked to her seat and bent, placing an affectionate kiss on her soft cheek and she patted him with a huge smile.“You did not have breakfast with me this morning, where have you been all day?” She asked a little sulkingly which made Cameron smile indulgently.He sensed that his grandmother felt guilty abo
Private Investigator
After meeting with Trent, Cameron went back home and changed out of his charcoal pinstripe suit and wore an unassuming T-shirt with jeans and a baseball hat before going out again. He drove around, seemingly aimlessly but he had a hidden intention. Since discovering that someone had tried to run him down he had become extremely suspicious and made steps to ensure that people could only know the things he wanted them to know and where he was going right now? He did not want anyone knowing that.The only person he trusted here was his grandmother but he could not tell her that someone was trying to kill her, it would probably send the old lady to the grave so what he decided to do was to take matters into his own hands.He had done a little research and he had found a private investigator who was touted to be very good. He would go there and task them with finding out who was after his life. Since last night a sinister thought had occurred to him, what if his father’s death had been o
Trent and Melanie glanced at each other then at the man and their eyes widened further when he stepped aside and the someone else come in behind him.“You?” Melanie sputtered while Trent looked on helplessly then he started to turn red in anger and he rose.“I should have gotten the police to put you in a cell then lock it up and throw the key far away where no one would find it and save you.” He yelled angrily, spittle flying from his mouth.The huge man took a menacing step forward and stared Trent down. “If you do not sit down and speak politely to Mr Nikols I will be forced to put you down like a rabid dog.” He said sternly and Trent lowered himself but refused to stop talking.“So you brought a thug into my building to force me out and embarrass me?” Trent continued, his eyes bulging and red.“My building Trent..” Cameron said as he took a seat at the head of the table and sat down leisurely and looked arrogantly at Trent. “And as for embarrassing you, I did not need to do a sin
Company In Trouble
Trent was hesitant about going to work after the bad night he had, he could still not believe that he had seen Cameron and apparently he had been hanging out with someone from the white Family, now how had that cretin come in contact with the most influential family in the city?Anyone worth their salt knew who the Whites were and they most certainly did not fraternize with bottom barrel people like Cameron. Trent wondered if Cameron was dating the White boy, Troy of whatever his name was. That would explain how he had gotten the money to pay back double of what he had stolen from the company.Trent glanced in frustration at his phone and wondered when Lilia would return his calls, he wanted to confirm if indeed Cameron had been sent to jail for attacking her and Roman, if so then how did he manage to not only leave jail but also get noticed by someone from that prestigious family?He lingered around at home trying to avoid his responsibilities until he knew could no longer put it off
Speculating on his enemies
“Arrrggh!” Cameron exclaimed in pain and when he heard a woman exclaim he tilted his head in confusion at the woman in his arms, when he recognized the face he was confused.“If you had wanted to go home with me all you needed to do was ask.” He said with a lopsided smile making Aria quickly scramble up to her feet and eye him.“You you you degenerate pervert.” She stuttered angrily, her face going red with embarrassment while Cameron got to his feet and watched her. “I made the mistake of trying to save your undeserving self, if I had known that it was you i would have let that van crush you.” She turned to leave and was stopped by Cameron grabbing her arm. She looked down at his hand that was holding her and he released her and raised his hands in surrender.“I apologize. What van were you talking about?” He asked.“They are gone..” she said and looked down the street where they had disappeared and Cameron remembered hearing a vehicle accelerate loudly just after he felt the girl’
Narrow escape
“That is enough Troy.” Cameron said at last.The girl’s cries were unnerving, he did not understand how his cousin was still fondling her despite he refusal, he could never be aroused under such a situation.“Don’t mind her, this is how they act like they don’t want it. She just wants a little more money that’s all.” He said as he pulled her closer to him while she tried to push him away in disgust.These sons of wealthy people disgusted her, they did not hesitate to act like they could just take anything they wanted. The tips and pay was not enough for this humiliation and if she did not have to take care of her own bills and fees for school herself she would not be doing such a dangerous job.“Cut it out!” Cameron said harshly and proceeded to drag Troy away before digging in his pocket and pulling out some crisp bills which he threw at the stripper.To his surprise she eyed the notes on the floor and ran out without picking them up and he rolled his eyes at her actions.Why had he
In The Club
Cameron drew back a step as he watched Trent totter drunkenly towards him and he peered at him as if surprised to see him in this environment. His look of surprise turned to a sneer.Cameron knew that Trent could not help the disdain, he was used to seeing him in a subservient manner and finding him here in this prestigious club would surprise him. Cameron knew for a fact that Trent had nothing to complain about because not only had the money owed been paid back but a generous interest on the money had been added.“Don’t tell me you came here to look for work, Has the most elite club in the city stooped so low that they now hire fraudulent bastards such as yourself off the street?” He asked with a boisterous laugh. Cameron noticed that Troy was watching their interaction and he hated it, not because he had anything to prove but because he did not trust him, Cameron had the nagging feeling that he was only being friendly with him so that he could get intel on him and get him out of the
Night Out
“Troy, what are you doing here sweetie. Are you alone? Where is everyone?” Maggie asked as she looked behind Troy's back hopefully.“I’m sorry grandma, I’m the only one that came here today.” he answered.“Oh…” she said sadly and he could hear the disappointment in her voice, she had probably hoped that the rest of the family would come to appologize.“What would you like dear, let me ask William to get something for you to drink or eat.” She turned and gestured towards her butler who stood behind her and he hurried to stop her.“Oh no need for that gramps, I came here to apologize for my behavior last night.” Troy said, looking like a remorseful puppy.His grandma’s face lightened up and she reached out and pinched his cheeks, he always hated that but he could never tell her how annoying it was so he smiled while thinking that the plan was going to go very well according to our plans, it was like taking candy from a child. she did not even suspect.“All of us did not behave very well
The whole family trooped out of the house after their mother’s loud outburst. The ride back to their house was terse and awkward and no one spoke throughout the entire trip, they were all lost in their individual thoughts and fortunately father had the foresight to not try to be chirpy. Troy looked at the sullen and contemplative faces of the people around him which he was sure mirrored his own feelings and most likely his own face too. It was really hard to wrap his head around this new information and it felt like he had been hit with a brick.He took a quick glance at his mom, she was sitting erect, face forward with her jaw clenched so hard that he was afraid that she would get lock jaw. He knew better than to say a word though, when she was ready she would eventually talk to them. He knew that look well enough to know that she was brainstorming and trying to figure out how to solve her problem and he knew her enough to know that she would find a solution soon enough even though