Founder of Duncan conglomerates

“Take your stupid ring and get lost,” Stella sneered. The ring was the only thing Mike had when the orphanage found him and took him from the streets.

Williams slowly closed the door as he whispered to Stella, “Poor thing, he looks like a dejected dog,” Mike sighed. Realizing that there was no reason to stay, he bent down to pick up the ring,

“Argh,” He growled and squatted, finding it hard to stand. He took his hand up to his head to touch where he felt the impact of the bottle. 

“Ow!” He winced in pain, biting his lips so hard they almost bled as he clutched his fist and struggled to stand upright.

Mike stumbled and walked into the lift. Recalling Stella and William’s insults, he sniffed and tried wiping off the tears that welled up in his eyes.

Bringing his hand down, his eyes fell on a mixture of blood and tears; the bloodstains were all over his forehead.

“You’re so poor, and I can’t spend my life with someone like you. I never loved you,” Stella’s words echoed in his ear as he got down from the lift. He started feeling dizzy, and the pain he felt in his head increased by every second.

Mike exited the hotel with his hand on his head. He needed immediate medical attention but had money for it

As Mike staggered towards a street, unaware of where he was going or where he was. Suddenly, the light of a moving vehicle flashed in his eyes, “Oh no!” Mike muttered, realizing that it was too late to get out of the way. 

“Shit,” the driver cussed as he swerved the car on the road, trying to avoid hitting Mike, but unfortunately, the car knocked Mike down, causing him to fall unconscious.

Mike slowly opened his eyes to face a white ceiling. The sunlight emanating from the window gave the room a sense of comfort, but the loud noise and chatter irked him. 

Mike turned to his left slowly; he wasn’t only feeling pain in his head but all over his body. He turned to his right and caught sight of a drip fixed on his hand.

“Am I at the hospital?” He thought as he tried to sit up. 

“Sir, please, you need to rest,” a lady in her mid-twenties, wearing a nurse uniform, said.

“W…” He tried to speak, but the dryness of his throat prevented him from saying a word.

“What am I doing here?” He asked as he sat up, mustering all his strength. Trying to recall what had happened, he felt a sharp pain in his head, causing him to growl.

“Sir, you were rushed into the hospital last night by a driver and have lost so much blood, you can’t leave the hospital in this condition,” As she spoke, Mike was removing the drip fixed to his hand. 

“I have to leave,” He said, knowing he had no money to pay for the hospital bills and no insurance to cover it; he wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible.

“Sir, no! You need a transfusion and until then, you can’t be discharged. Your blood type is rare, and we're currently in search of donors,” The nurse insisted that he stay but Mike shook his head in disagreement

“I have no money to pay for the blood and treatment,” He said and bit his lips, struggling to stand up. The moment he got on his feet, he started feeling dizzy. 

As he tried taking a step forward, his weak legs gave him away, causing him to fall to the ground

Meanwhile, at an exquisite villa, an elderly man sat, drinking wine in a study room, when suddenly he heard his phone ring. "Hello?" He answered the call

"Sir Matthew, I have news!" He said, causing Mr. Matthew to sit up on the sofa before responding,

"I'm all ears!"

"St. Gabriel's Hospital at the heart of the city is currently looking for AB-negative blood donors," He said, causing Matthew to drop his wine and stand on his feet. 

"Sir, this could mean..."

"Not so fast, Paul. Get some men to accompany me to St. Michael hospital." He said before dropping the call

Back at the hospital, Mike slowly opened his eyes. The noise he heard from the hospital earlier was gone, and the room was not as bright as it was before. He quickly turned to look around him when his eyes fell on a group of men in black uniforms and an elderly man in his mid-fifties standing in front of them.

"Matthew Duncan!" Mike gasped, his eyes widening in shock. The founder of Duncan Conglomerates, one of the wealthiest men in the country, was now standing before him. 

As Mike struggled to find his voice, Matthew approached him, tears streaming down his face. With a trembling hand, Matthew held Mike's hand and whispered, "After all these years, I've finally found you!”

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