The old man's nephew

Slowly, Mike opened his eyes to see that he was in a neat room, better than the room he stayed in a few minutes ago.

"You're up?" The voice fell into his ear, causing him to swallow hard before asking,

"Where... Where am I?" His body was arching all over, but he tried to remain calm.

"We changed location, dear. They found us, which is almost impossible," Raymond said, causing Mike to realize that it could be the message he sent to Paul.

Now, he has no idea where he was. "Who are you?" Mike asked,

"You've seen me before, right? I know! But I want you to do something for me, okay?" He said, causing Mike to arch his brows before asking,

"What do you mean?" Mike tried struggling to get to his feet but he couldn't, causing him to arch his brows.

"It's no use trying to stand up. I figured that the ropes were causing bruises on your hand, so I decided to use the modern method," Raymond explained

"And what method is that?" Mike asked. He was wondering what they did to him and still trying to
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