Chapter Hundred And Four

Aidan’s POV

The roads leading to the judge’s house were dry and flaky and carried all the dust that could last a lifetime. Although the roads were beautified with tall luxurious trees, they did little to nothing to hide the ugly of the road. No wonder she came out here to hide because no one would dare or even think about coming to the hell hole. As the cars were skidding down the dusty ass road, he received a text.

“We're done Sir, taking her home now”

It was from Cole, he had been receiving texts from him at every interval to know what she was doing and if the meeting she insisted on was over even though it was against his wish. He flipped his phone that he placed on the empty back seat and checked the notification. He smirked as he saw and left the phone back.

The car hit a bump and he made a wince sound. The driver heard.

“I'm sorry Sir, I didn't see that curve on time, this road is rough”

“Just shut up and drive” He rolled his eyes and went back to perusing the stack of papers
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