Chapter 1 1

"Why do I have to deal with a woman like her?!" Ferdinand threw the hat he was wearing onto the bed. His hands were clenched into fists, signalling annoyance. It was only a matter of time before he caught up with Andie. "No wonder that woman became Andie's lover. They're both bad-tempered!" Ferdinand muttered.

Tonight is the last night Ferdinand occupies an employee room at this hospital. Tomorrow morning, he had to start his new duties.

Ferdinand laid his body on the bed, imagining his duties at Clara's house as a servant. Working in this hospital alone, he was pretty exhausted, let alone having to be a servant in the house of that cruel-tempered woman.

"You bastard! I'm experiencing all this because of Andie! I'll repay him mercilessly when I get the chance!" said Ferdinand. The face of his cousin, whom he used to love so much, was now the person he hated the most.

Meanwhile, Anna, who had just finished her duties as head nurse, met with the hospital manager in the hospital leadership room before she went home.

"What? How can you let people do whatever they want to the employees in this hospital?" Anna asked Robert.

"Sorry, Anna, but the good name of this hospital comes first. We can easily find replacement employees. As for the hospital's reputation, what would happen if I let that woman bring the reporters here because of that problem?" Robert explained.

"You only think about reputation without thinking about the human side." Anna retorted sarcastically.

"I didn't ignore the human side at all. I tried to resolve the issue. But that woman has power. Moreover, her family is an honorary patient here. Besides, the man himself agreed to Miss Clara's request. He considered it a form of apology. Then where is the problem?" Robert remained adamant.

"You're even asking where the problem lies? That means you don't understand what's happening at all, " retorted Anna, sounding increasingly emotional.

"I don't want to keep arguing over a matter already settled for me. Besides, why are you defending that man so much? He's just a stranger you found on the street, right?" Robert began to reply to Anna in a raised tone of voice.

Anna lowered her head and covered her face with both palms. Her body movements indicated that she was upset. The argument with Robert was not just this time. She also often differed from the man who was still related to her husband for work issues.

"I never questioned who Ferdinand was and where he came from. I can't entirely agree with the wealthy woman making Ferdinand a servant in her house without pay. This is the same as enslaving a human being. I could have reported that woman's actions to the authorities." said Anna.

"Please, Anna, stop bothering that woman. And we're done talking about Ferdinand. If you harass that woman, you're destroying the good name of this hospital. Because that woman will argue and divert the issue about the bad image of the services in this hospital. Please think more wisely. This is not a matter that harms you as a person. But the good name of this hospital is at stake. If that happens, this hospital will lose, and our job positions could also be affected." Robert said.

"Whatever you say. I'm not going to stand by and let this happen." Anna gave Robert a cynical look and left the room.

"You are stubborn, Anna; I will not let you do something that will threaten all of us just to defend a man who is unclear where he came from!" Robert retorted when Anna was no longer seen in his room.

Anna walked through the hallway to the staff room occupied by Ferdinand. It was quiet as it was pretty late. She stood at the door for a long time, thinking of how to help Ferdinand. When she was sure enough, she knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, are you asleep?" Anna called softly after knocking on the door.

Ferdinand recognised the voice. He sat up and got out of bed. He had been trying to calm himself down and strategise how to deal with Clara tomorrow.

"Sister Anna? What's wrong at this time of night? Am I not allowed to stay in this room anymore?" asked Ferdinand when he opened the door.

"Oh, of course not, that's not what I came here for," said Anna.

"Sorry, I was just quite surprised by your arrival." Ferdinand felt a little awkward.

"It's okay, I understand. I've heard about your troubles. You'd better come with me now." pleaded Anna.

"Go with you?" asked Ferdinand, confused.

"You don't want to be used as an enslaved person by that woman. I will take you to another place," said Anna.

Ferdinand was quite surprised. He did not expect Anna's concern to be that great.

"No need, Mrs. Anna, I have already agreed to the request. I can't possibly renege," said Ferdinand.

"Come on, Ferdinand, don't want to be treated arbitrarily just because they are rich and powerful. Come with me, I will help you find another job for a better life." Anna pleaded half forcefully by pulling Ferdinand's hand.

Not realising it, Robert, annoyed with Anna, secretly watched them from a distance away. He took several photos of Anna chatting alone with Ferdinand, including when Anna pulled the man's hand. Robert smiled slyly and saved the photos on his cell phone as a tool to be used as a weapon.

"Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Anna, but I have decided to stick to my agreement to be a servant at Miss Clara's residence." Ferdinand subtly refused.

Anna let go of Ferdinand's hand. She was feeling disappointed with what she heard.

"As you wish. I hope you don't regret your decision." Anna said and walked away.

Ferdinand was silent, not daring to reply to Anna's sentence. It could not possibly explain the real purpose of accepting the task from Clara.

Anna walked towards the parking area with a feeling of heartlessness. She secretly determined to follow Ferdinand tomorrow morning to find out where the man would be employed.

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